Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nearly two weeks later...Lucy got hungry enough to enter one of the (humane) traps. Morgan from Forgotten Paws rescue here in the Atlanta area lent us her trap, so we were able to set up two. She also told me that most of the dogs she'd trapped (80 so far!) were lured in by sausage. So, after two nights in a row of sausage, Lucy walked into the trap! She got to eat a lot of sausage to get there, and I'm happy she did!


She's a bit thin, and was scared, but was still very gentle (even when the animal control guy had her on a catch pole, she didn't growl or snap.) I loved the animal control guy who came out. He was genuinely upset that he had to use the catch pole...he was worried it would just be more trauma for her but there was no other way of getting her out of the trap without risking her taking off again so I gave him my permission. I liked that he cared enough to be concerned about could tell it wasn't just a "job" for him.


So now, Lucy Foster Doodle is at the vet getting checked out. The vet won't be able to examine her until this afternoon, but at least she is safe, in air conditioned comfort, and is getting clean water. She smells awful but doesn't really look that dirty (the animal control guy said it was her "fear glands" making the smell). We need to make sure she's hydrated, and that she's not pregnant.


I'm so incredibly relieved and thankful to have her back!


Here's a picture of trapped Lucy!


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Oh thank God.  She looks pretty good from what I can see in the picture.   I cannot tell you how relieved I am that she is alive and is no longer trying to survive on her own in a place she doesn't know.  I am so grateful that she did not get hit, or hurt, or try to find her way back to the breeder.  Frannie,  I hope you will put a harness on her and chain her to your body!!  Thank you for not giving up on Lucy.  She is such a sweet girl.  I know she can come out of her shell with some time.  Please, please keep posting about her.  Ronna and I are very invested in this girl. GREAT, GREAT NEWS!!
That is awesome, fabulous, wonderful news!  I usually assume most dogs will never be found so I'm really glad Lucy is back to safety.  Can you post a link in your original post to the back story?  I knew you'd been looking for her but not sure I know her background and how long she's been gone, etc.
Ronna and I went to the Lillington, NC shelter to pull Lucy and Ethel (now Cassidi).  This is the same shelter that Ruby (Frannie's foster) came from, and the blonde doodle, whose name I can no longer recall.   Lucy was terrified and stood there frozen after being physically pulled out of the cage.  Cassidi was busy kissing everyone. Ronna had arranged for the dogs to be checked out and immunized, so they were taken to her Vet.  Ronna then drove Ethel/Cassidi to Eric in Winston Salem and I took Lucy to Atlanta. Frannie picked her up in Atlanta and two hours later she left home (on Friday, June 24).

The other doodle you are referring to is Ella...She was also a breeder dog and was HW positive. She was doodle trained to Jeannine Smith in Indiana thanks to Ronna, Sue Cooper and Katrina Wylie......She completed her HW treatment, was spayed chipped and immunized and went home to Colorado a few weeks ago....


To give you an idea of the stats, in total we have rescued 13 doodles from this shelter since 2009.....9 of them within the last 9 months including our "3 Amigos"......All were dumped by the same "breeder" .....6 of the 13 were HW positive. All were infested with parasites and had various skin, ear and eye maladies ..... In total DRC has spent a little over 10K vetting these 13 dogs......Most were remarkably well-mannered but a few have been skittish, fearful and completely un-socialized. None however have been quite as skittish and fearful as poor Lucy who was on the lam just shy of two weeks.....


Poor Frannie has been in a perpetual state of worry ever since Lucy bolted.....This was a freak accident and believe me it happens to the best of us.....Frannie, Deb Vaughn and all of Frannie's wonderful neighbors did an amazing job with Lucy's recovery. As did Fulton County Animal Control and Morgan from Forgotten Paws who just happened to see our plea on Facebook......Once the plea went out the entire animal welfare community in the greater Atlanta area literally mobilized and began pounding the pavement and the woodlands searching for Lucy. Thanks to the combined efforts of these incredible individuals and organizations Lucy is now safely back in DRC custody.......


Thank you all so much for seeing Lucy and DRC through this terrible ordeal!



We really want to find out who this horrible breeder in Lillington might be.  The shelter must know who is dropping these dogs off!  North Carolina needs to have some laws on the books to stop these people.  There was a raid of 300 puppy mill dogs recently here, and many of the dogs are up for adoption at the SPCA in Raleigh right now.  So, it is possible to put these puppy mills out of business.  I am astonished at the stats from this "breeder".   What can we do besides watching the website every day?

I am so grateful to Frannie and the DRC community, the friends and neighbors, and Animal Control for not giving up on Lucy.  Now she has the possibility of a much better life.

Thank you so much Linda for being part of our family and for all that you do for these dogs and DRC!.......:  )BTW we do know who the breeder is but there really isn't much that we can do about it except pull the dogs when we see them..........The appropriate agencies and authorities are aware and are keeping a watchful eye on "the situation."


Wow.  That gives me some hope that they will eventually be able to shut her/him down!  Let me know the next time you need doodles pulled.  Ronna and I know the way down there!  And my son lives in Atlanta so run up and down the highway to see him and can take an extra doodle :-)
This is such great news. YAY!

I'm doing the happy dance and it ain't pretty but who cares. What wonderful, wonderful news, I have chills. I have been checking regularly to see if there was any news, opened my laptop and there it was. Frannie, not only am I happy that Lucy is found but I'm happy for you as well. I'm happy dancing my way back into the garden which is where I am supposed to be helping DH. How is it that we care so much about a doodle we have never met, guess it the HDA in us.  :>)  :>)    :>)   :>)  :>)

Frannie....This is THE BEST EVER news!!!!    So happy for you AND Lucy!

Great news!!


Wonderful News!  Made me cry too.

I am so glad she is back & doing pretty good after her long time on her own.



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