Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last night my husband went for a jog like he has been doing for the last 10 years. He listens to his ipod while running. He didn't even see a dog playing in a empty field across the road with his owner. All of a sudden this 19 month old Great Dane starts running across the street and bits into my husbans left arm. My husband tried to get his arm back as the owner came running over yelling to his dog. Long story short my husband ended up with 27 stiches and the bit wound was 9 1/2 inches long 2 inches wide! His whole forearm was open. Went down to the bone... Police say they've never seen a bit that bad. Dog had rabbie shots (thank God) and they were fined 230.00 for not having their dog on a leash. Plus they have to take the dog to a vet 3 times within the next 10 days... That's it!!! Needless to say our whole family is sick over this. They live down the street from us and I've only seen/heard this G.D. bark outsides it's little appartment window while taking our walks. We have NO idea why this dog attacked my husband. Of course the owners say this is the first time anything like this has happened...... They have a 3 year old daughter which I fear for. Will find out more when my husband gives them his medical bills once they start coming in. For now he's doing good. Not much pain just laying low for the weekend. Good thing it wasn't his right arm..... Let all be glad we have good dogs. Kathy & Lauscha

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Hope your husband is healing a little better today,been thinking of you all.

Let's all just pray that the Great Dane's owner uses his common sense and does something now that he knows. Something doesn't necessarily mean an end to his life.   Personally I don't believe anyone would knowingly allow their dog off leash who they know has a potential to bite. The fact that he has a 3 year old with this dog tends to make me think he didn't know.

Kathy, this is a horrible thing to have happen. I am praying that everyone can move forward and there are no nasty confrontations. Everyone needs to remain calm. I hope in the next few days that your DH is doing well and I really hope the owner of that dog behaves like he should and takes responsibility for his dogs actions, including graciously accepting the cost.

So so sorry this happened :o(

I totaly agree with what your saying. That's why we keep thinking the dog has recently been adopted. We've gone to their house 3 times this weekend and no one is home. My DH is going to contact our home owners insurance and hopefully they will contact them or at least find out if they have renters insurance. DH is back to work but he does have some numbing in his 2 fingers. Pain in his arm (only when he uses it)...  Kathy & Lauscha


I'm so sorry that this horrible incident happened to your DH!!

I do hope he has a quick and complete recovery...


Update to DH attach.

Great dane owners have not contacted us once since Friday when it happened. Not one phone call to see how's he doing. I walked down to their apartment at noon today. I was just shaking when I went inside the house to get to their upstairs apartment door. I held onto the door knob as hard as I could so they couldn't just open it up. Of course the g.d. was inside growling. My daughter was downstairs yelling "Don't go up there Mom". I yelled to the owners who I was. So she could put the dog away and come downstairs and talk with me. She finally told me the dog had been adopted and abused. When she was at my house on Friday she never mentioned this all the while I keep asking her why this dog would bite my husband. They've had the dog since it was about 5 months old. It's 19 months now. She has been calling around to g.d. shelters in our area. Called a trainer to come to her home and observe the dog while with her 3 year old daughter. Seems upset when she talked about having to give the dog up. After about 10 minutes she asked how my husband was doing! Told me I didn't need to contact her landlord (uncle) about home owners insurance. They have renters insurance and when I asked her if she had contacted her agent she said "No not yet"........ So in my eyes at this point it looks like shes more concerned about giving up her dog than 'other' things...  Kathy & Lauscha

Oh boy Kathy!  I guess this is going to take quite a while to settle.  i feel awful for you and your husband.  And even your poor daughter!  Did these people say they adopted him BECAUSE he was abused?  I definitely can see people reaching out to an abused puppy, but I'm not so sure I would bring one into my home with a three year old child.  I don't understand how a person would reach out to 'save' an abused animal, yet have no compassion or responsibility to a human!  I pray your DH mends well and that you can all put this behind you sooner than later!  Until then, you keep venting to all of us and let us help you in any way we can!  Doodle {{{{HUGS}}}} and kisses xxxx

Our niece had a great dane that had no problems with agression but did have a terrible habit of playing with people by taking them by the forearm where ever she wanted them to go. We all knew about this and just followed until she let go. All she wanted to do was play. 

Having my sons Great dane here I do know that they have no idea how big they are and how strong they can be. If that dog was in a playful mood and wanted another player and grabbed your husbands arm the action of pulling away would definitely trigger a session of tug with his poor flesh! The size of their teeth is amazing! Just having her stand on my foot is tough with all her puppy weight! I can't imagine any dog bite but a dane is a huge mouth. Good luck with all the healing.

The owner should have had it on leash or at a dog park or fenced in area to play. Especially since you mentioned it lives in a tiny apartment and likely wanted to spread its legs and play. 



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