Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today we went swimming and Huff fell in so we decided to just let him in. He was really scared at first but then we kind of carried him out in the water and he eventually started swimming on his own and he eventually got comfortable enough to start jumping off the swim step to come 'rescue' us. lol:) when he splashes while he swims, he tries to catch his splashes in his mouth. He is so funny. I wish I got a video but I wasn't expecting him to get in the pool so I wasn't prepared. Next time he goes in, I will take a video but he will probably be wearing a life vest. I thought a life vest would be a good idea because his hair and his weight just weighs him down so much and he gets tired so quick that I think the life vest will float him a little so he can swim for a longer time without having to take a break on the swim step. We are also trying to teach him that he can't just swim to us to save him (he was doing that too, it was pretty funny) and that instead he has to swim to the swim step to get out and we are trying to make sure that he knows that is the only way out. He was trying to get out from the side that drops off to a water trough and it is pretty high down so, he would probably die if he jumped from there. Anyways, sorry for the long post but I am so glad he is swimming now and I think he had a lot of fun once he got a little more used to it!:)

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Great job Huff I knew you would get in there sometime! Congrats!
I tried getting Jack in the pool last year.  He wanted no part of it.  Maybe I just need to let him flounder (pun intended) a bit.
Way to go, Huff!  I like that you are teaching him how to get out as well as watching him so closely.
We don't have a pool but do have a leash free beach nearby,and Jasper loves it. When we go on holidays in the van he comes and go swimming there to. loves it when you throw a ball in the water and he swims to get it Good Fun.
YAY for Huff!  Hope you can get a video of it!  Love to see it!
I bet Huff was the happiest of all that he got to go swimming.
YAY!!  Rosey loves her life jacket and it will make it easier for ALL of you!!
id love to go swimming with Cooper some time, sounds like fun!



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