Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Fudge and Vern Invite YOU to Take Part in a Photo Caption Contest WITH PRIZES!!

 I know from experience that this is a competitive group here on DK, so I thought it would be fun to have a photo caption contest. Now, I don't have $500 to award the winner like the logo contest, but I have some awesome prizes. Awesome might be stretching it just a bit, so let's just say I cleaned out some closets and found some prizes. The winner of the contest gets to pick from the three prizes shown below:


First up, we have an original Les Used Brush. It is similar to the popular Les Pooch brush often talked about on DK.

Second up is a Lovely Large Hand Holding a Turtle that my sister was kind enough to re-gift to my DD one Christmas:

Finally, the third gift you have to choose from is a classy shirt handed out at my DD's wedding in the hotel bags. It is an XXL and what you can't read in this picture is the word Pennsylvania.

I don't have any fancy judges lined up, although I did make a few calls and got turned down by these three:


So, I guess I will judge for myself, based on the response and reactions I get to the captions. Please be aware that compliments towards the judge will also go a long way in helping you win. I love to hear the words...skinny, tiny, beautiful, and beguiling.


OK, drum roll is the photo I would like captioned. May the best man or woman win!!


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"Mom, look what we found! This is SO much more impressive than the dood who found the deer head!"
Love it!
Alright Fudge you can have the back seat but if I hear a word from you about my paddling I'll xxxxxxxxxxx
You must know I am a back seat driver. This is good too!
OK do we get more than one group hug for riding on the giant banana ? and can we forget the paddle ? ( hey Vern Whats a Paddle ?)
Until this discussion, I never even thought about our kayak looking like a banana. Good captions!

It's 4 in the morning....I have no cognitive thinking skills at this hour, I guess I will have to live without these awesome prizes.


Lisa, I cannot believe you are letting these prizes slip away.
Oh Vern, you have a tiny little brain if you think I'm getting my skinny little ass in that beautiful little kayak with our beguiling Mother!
Giggles here....but just so you know, those words tiny, skinny, and beautiful were supposed to be said about me. I do appreciate your impressive use of the English language!
Oh Crap, What Is She Thinking Now ...... Vern I Think You Are In Big Trouble!  See Ya!



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