Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I need y'alls help.
I got rear-ended pretty bad today. It wasn't my fault and no one is injured, but Indy was with me in the car. He was shaken up really bad. I'm pretty sure his anal glands, ahem, released and he was shaking and panting the whole way home. I couldn't really comfort him at the time because I had to do all the insurance stuff.
We had been making progress with his car fear and he did great on the road trip up here. Now I'm scared he will never get in the car again. What can I do to help him be ok with the car? Has anyone else been in an accident with their doodle?
Oh gosh I am glad everyone is okay. I would start with little tiny trips of getting him in the car and treating him, Letting him get back out of the car, back in and giving him a treat, then drive to around the block and treat him, etc, Sort of like you do with a puppy in the crate, you throw treats in there and lots of love.
Jack does not like to be in the car unless he is in his carseat, He has been in a harness and booster since I got him so that is what he knows and that is what he feels the most safe in.
Perhaps start with very short trips and treat and talk calm and sweetly. This worked for me when Amante was afraid I have been wanting to purchase a car harness.Does anyone recommend a certain one. I am assuming that I will have to buy two since he is only 15 lbs. right now. I am so happy to hear that everyone is ok!
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