Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I should have put it here but it is in the video section.  I might add that Stuart ate all his dinner and is playing like a crazy puppy with his brother at the moment.  Seems fine except for the shaking of his head.



Stuart has been napping this afternoon and as I just walked past him I noticed that his head was shaking - kind of like a back and forth, palsy sort of thing.  He was awake with his eyes open.  He now is acting "off".  Not as much energy.

The two things that I can place the blame on is

1.  yesterday a.m. he got his flea and tick application but that has been 30 hours ago. 

2.  then this a.m. at about 8:00 we went to the dog park and he got stung on the lip by a honey bee. 

3.  oh and lets add it to the mix the "dreaded zap from the fence.

Any ideas?




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I cannot see how you could possibly get the oil out of the sebaceous glands by washing the dogs skin.
I'm sure that you can't but maybe it makes me feel better.  I have never had a dog have a reaction to flea and tick but I'm going to go back to the oral med that is for heartworm and fleas.  I'll worry about ticks if we see one.  It isn't like we live in the woods.
Bring on some wine - momma needs to relax!  Stuart is still playing and acting fine so I hope that we are through the worst of it.  Thank you everyone for your help and concern.  You all get me through the rough times!!!

I hope Stuart is just having a bit of reaction to the bee!  Poor sweet guy.  He does look a bit lacking in enery.  Rua sends big hugs and kisses to her future BIL!

I have just come to this now and can't see any video so I am just going on the thread and all comments.  I think the most likely culprit is the spot on treatment but you can't rule out a mild seizure.  You say Stuart is back to normal thank  goodness and you are having a well earned glass of vino.  Enjoy the wine and wait and see..   Wishing you all well and a peaceful good night. (mind you I haven't a clue what time it is where you are-here is is 23.35 at night!)
Ok, I just watched and it definitely looks like a neurological reaction.  He seems alert enough and not out of it but his head is shaking which is obviously not normal.  Check the side effects of the spot on treatment.  Most of these site neurological reactions as possibles. Obviously the worst case scenario is the electric zaps he got from the fence man.... (horrible to contemplate) If it's a drug reaction then it won't recur.
Jack has had a neurological reaction to allergy testing, as well as focal or partial seizures on a regular basis, where he's fully conscious, and my last dog had two full blown seizures in her old age, and this doesn't even look close to anything I've personally seen before. Dogs do shiver when they're frightened or cold, and that's what this looks like to me. Not saying that's what it is.
This certainly isn't a full blown seizure. It does look like a tremor, not a shiver. I don't know what caused it and it could be a seizure.
Shiver was the wrong word, it looks more like trembling to me. It doesn't look as jerky as when Jack has his focal seizures.

Besides the other things you mentioned I have a few ideas to throw in here.  Not that these will help but some things to consider.  A dog down the street got a palsy from a virus.   It lasted a month and he is now better.  Another observation, I had a cat who would do this from toads.  The cat got very sick on that last toad she got into. 

Could he have gotten into anything like toads, salamanders, or other things indigenous to Florida?  

Another idea, you all spray a lot of insect chemicals down there on a regular basis.  Any one spray today?  

Another idea, when I have seen reactions to flea/tick preventative the animals foamed at the mouth but they also shook.

My DH watched the video. His dog of 18 years had seizures all her life. He said this did not look anything like her seizure episodes, although seizures come in different degrees or reaction.

I'm sure my brainstorming is no help, but I am sending you my thoughts to a speedy and healthy outcome.

This is not palsy like. This is more like a tremor. And it's transient.
Hoping Stuart is perfectly fine now and has no residual effects from whatever was bothering him. Sorry for all of you as you try to figure this out! Owen was stung by a bee in the mouth (he was catching it!) last week and we gave him Benedryl. No head tremors. so???



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