Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What are the differences between Goldendoodles and Labradoodles? Preference? Size? Shedding? Coat colors?


So far I have only been searching for Goldendoodle puppies, but perhaps I should be looking at both?


Any info that Doodle parents can share would be great!


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Got it. Thanks. :-)
So glad you are really checking it out before you get your heart set on a puppy.  I have had all three - Labradoodle, goldendoodle, and ALD.  The labradoodle shed the most out of my three, but he was also the BEST dog I have EVER had.  My first two were both heavyweights, so we decided to go smaller on the last one (the ALD).  The goldendoodle is pure love, the labradoodle was a little more standoffish, and the ALD is just crazy, crazy, crazeeeeee.  Take a look at the photos on my page.  I'd be glad to answer any questions.
Oh totally, Lynda. That's the thing - if I go and look at a bunch of puppies, I will want to leave with one! I can't even go and LOOK until I know it's a good breeder, due to the fact that I will want to come home with one, or put a deposit on one, etc. I'm looking at your photos now... thanks so much for the input!
How many doods do you currently have? They are adorable! Are they mostly F1b?
I currently have two (the black/white goldendoodle and the light-colored ALD). The goldendoodle is a F1b and the ALD is the usual mix of breeds contained in the ALD.  He is not small, he weighs 43 pounds, but much smaller than the other two.  Hondo was 105 pounds and Groucho is about 90 pounds.  Take a look around until you can get exactly what you want.  It is worth the wait.
I love bigger dogs, so Hondo (so sorry that you lost him) and Groucho sound like the perfect size for me. It's so great that you got blessed with such great doods! I totally agree with you about taking the time to find exactly what I'm looking for. Now it has become a bit of an obsession!!!
When you get your big dog, join the Heavyweights group. ;o)
I would say that their is a big difference between a Goldendoodle, a Labradoodle and an Australian Labradoodle when I compare my two dogs.  I now have a GD and an ALD and their is a BIG difference.  Our goldendoodle in temperament reminds me of the Labradors that we have had in the past.  Kinda clumsy, goofy, loving, smart, trusting and sweet but with some independence, and he does shed.  My Australian must have a temperament more similar to a poodle (although I've never had a poodle).  He is more like a small child - a little shy till he knows that you are o.k., extremely smart but a velcro puppy, sticks right to me, also sweet and very gentle but a little bit of a priss, he doesn't shed at all and I've not heard of someone with an ALD that does.  Just my own experience.
Thank you for your feedback! So your GD sheds but your ALD doesn't? Is your GD an F1? Where did you get your dogs? Thanks again for sharing!
The ALD came from one of the finest breeders in the country and the GD was a rescue out of Atlanta.
My personal (completely non professional) opinion on this is it really is just the particular dog.  We have two golden doodle liter mates and they could not be more different.  We have also fostered Labradoodles and they were completely different than my golden doodles.  We also fostered another golden doodle that was different than my golden doodles, so my suggestion would be to decide what qualities are important to you and then research the heck out of good quality breeders with long breeding programs that know their dogs and puppies like the back of their hand and then pick the one that can give you the best chance at getting the dog that you want.  Better yet, be willing to take what you get and give a rescue doodle a loving home!  I would be willing to say that the majority of the time with a rescue there isn't anything wrong with the dog that a loving home won't cure, it was that there was something wrong with the previous owner.

I completely agree with you on the rescue aspect. I have looked at local shelters and rescues, but I really want a puppy, and the rescues seem to be older, at least in this area. I also recently put down my beloved dog of 12 years and he had 2 back surgeries and a parathyroidectomy during his life. That was sheer hell to go thru both for me and for my Haus. For this reason I feel getting a puppy from a good breeder may be the way to go (for me at this time), as this would potentially eliminate those genetic type problems.


How are your Goldendoodles different from each other?



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