Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last night was Brady's (13 wks)  first puppy class.   All went really well until we were asked to remove our leashes for the dogs to 'socialize'. There are 7 pups in attendance &  Brady is the smallest, youngest (by 2 weeks) and the only one that isn't black in colour.  The largest dog comes bounding over to Brady - sniffing, mouthing a little (happily it seemed) and Brady sniffed, jumped around and growled, then scooted away under a chair.   I lured him back out - the same thing happened but Brady did not let up the growl until instructor picked him up and just let him 'hang there' while she said "thank you", "thank you".   This scenario was repeated again and Brady reacted the same way.   Really upset me as it's the first time I've ever seen him get agressive!  He has met many dogs at the park and has been happy in each situation - he has played with bigger dogs and rolled around happily without a thought to growl.   So, I am thinking this is NOT FAIR TO PUT HIM IN THIS POSITION - he also came home and "zoomed around yard" like a crazed little beast (never done this before either!)   YIKES!    HELP!!  I'm thinking I   should  withdraw from this (not fun) class!  Perhaps Mama Bears little doodle prefers  HOME SCHOOLING - or is it 'Mama" that prefers it? 

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I like the book My Smart Puppy by Brian Kilcommon and Sarah Wilson, and it comes with a 60-minute DVD. They make games out of a lot of the training, and they also do a great job of addressing various puppy personalities--they don't assume that all puppies are alike.


Cesar has a book called How to Raise the Perfect Dog and he taped an episode of his show as a kind of companion piece. It's less about training and more about behavior. I know a lot of people think that Cesar's methods are outdated, but I really like watching him work with dogs, even when he uses techniques I would never use on my own dog.

Thanks for the books.   Caesar's methods are already outdated?   Do you know why this is?  His 'calm, assertive, yet loving way I think is right on - have I missed something or someone    By the way really cute new photo you put up - adorable, adorable!

There are varying opinions on Cesar Milan's training methods vs positive reinforcement only training methods, etc. etc. If you want to read more about it there are several previous discussions about Milan in the Debate Group:



When we got Tara I was determined to use positive training methods only. Well, I either did it wrong or it was not suited to her temperament because I quickly became a treat dispenser and she wouldn't do ANY command until she could see I had a treat ready for her.  So I switched to a non-treat/correction and praise only training method. This made her aggressive for some reason?? So we ended up using a mixture of both and that has been successful.  When training a new behavior I use treats and praise. If she does not respond to a command that I KNOW that she KNOWS than she gets a correction (tug on her training collar). If she does respond to a command that she knows she gets lots of praise and sometimes a treat as a surprise! :)

I have four" training your dog books" but haven't really read any totally or have started training. At 10 wks old Lilly can plop her butt down for a treat. If we are outside I say come and treat she comes running. I have to say that Lilly won't be the best trained dog. I am not going to even try until 16wks. Its kinda like starting your kid in kindergarden at 4 1/2 or 5 1/2. At 5 1/2 they will sit longer and be more confident. Check in the training group..those people are awesome. good luck and keep us posted. If you want Brady to hang out with a fun girl with a great personality, he can hang with Lilly.. can't say what her manners will be like:)
Well .... she has owned and operated her 'school' for over 20 years - but I have no idea what her credentials are.    Oh my gosh .... and I agree completely about the RED GENE ... -------- !!!!!!!!!

Well I am over protected.  I was of my kids and now my puppy. I think that dogs are like people and they know when they don't like someone/some dog almost from the first few minutes.. I  would pull him. Listen to your inner voice. Do what you think is best for your dog.

Trixi was such a chicken the first FEW classes (hidding under chairs while others played was her specialty), and it is why have been taking her to doggy day care once a week ever since she was 16 weeks old - on top of our regular classes.  She's so great with other dogs now and doesn't get shy or act agressive.  Socialization is so important so hang it there - it'll pay off!



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