Granted - Toby is currently wearing a cone and breathing like a tank, so that may have something to do with it, but it seems that occasional insomnia is my new normal. I am 47, and that seems to be an age where this happens somewhat. What about it ladies? Is this my new normal? Because I have to say - it sucks.
Ah, yes - I remember it well... Fortunately, there is light at the end of your tunnel as it doesn't last forever. Unfortunately, the tunnel may be a VERY long one as the insomnia (and the other FUN aspects of menopause) can last for quite awhile. I've exited the tunnel and am sleeping much better, but not as well as I did in my youth. I didn't have DK during those wide-awake years so I had to make do with Law and Order reruns on TV. Even now, when I wake up and can't get back to sleep, I search the bazillion channels DirectTV, find L & O, and I'm back to sleep within minutes!
What everyone has said is true. I would say don't take the Tylenol PM. Who needs extraTylenol which can be a liver toxin. Just opt for a sedating antihistamine if you go that route. Benadryl and Chlortrimeton generics should do. Unfortunately they tend to leave you sedated the next day too. Short term hormone replacement is an option too. Good sleep hygiene says only sex and sleep in beds. If I couldn't read, watch TV, go the computer in bed I don't know what I'd do : ) Getting up and doing something not stimulating until you are sleepy is also advised.
I don't do well with drugs, so I probably wouldn't "take" anything except Sleepytime tea. I do get up and read, go online etc. Usually it's not more than 2 nights in a row at the present time. I hope this isn't a long term thing or I'm going to have to work on being perky and happy while tired.
Yes, but it is habituating. I would certainly not go for Ambien as the first line of defense. Also, some people have had nocturnal problems such as sleep walking etc. while on Ambien. It is a good medication in the right circumstances.
No joke, my friend took Ambien and has zero recollection of baking cookies in the middle of the night three times. I have heard other stories about it to.
Welcome to menopause!!!!...I used to be a great sleeper, I loved to sleep, but since menopause, I do not sleep very well, if I go to sleep before one am, I am up by three, and then I am shot for the rest of the night. I have tried all the natural remedies, melatonan, etc, they work for a little while, but not for long. I have tried many different things, and I have just given up the thought of a full nights sleep. My best sleep is in the morning, lol, but that is not what my schedule usually permits...So, that is what I have found, maybe you will find the solution....Lol, but I watch my husband, and the dogs sleep like logs, so unfair, lol....I do read, watch tv or go on the computer, I guess someday it might get better, but I am going to be 65 in Sept. so when is when???...I cannot take the sleeping pills, they literally drug me, and are habit forming, so sometimes I will take an anatihistimine, like Benedryl, and that gives me a few hrs sleep....
Welcome to the club. I've always operated on about 5 hrs. of sleep. Last year I started waking up around 2 or 3 in the morning. I didn't really think much about it since I figured it was from DH running the sweeper at night. This year I turned 50 and in June the hot flashes started. AWFUL! Sometimes at night it would be unbearable since the dogs sleep with me and are like furnaces. Someone at work suggested Witch Hazel and my doc suggested taking OC menopause stuff. I've been taking both for about a month and no more flashes and I've been sleeping much better. I even dreamt the other night.