Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have had dogs for the last 15 years - mini doxies and a yellow lab (of course this is not counting the dogs we grew up with ☺) and none of them has really watched TV.  Bear will glance at it if there is any kind of bird on, but Molly will actually watch the TV for up to 15 minutes.  Cracks me up.  She especially likes animal planet, but she also enjoys the news.  I just may have to find her a doodle remote HA

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This is a picture of my 2 doods watching the Westminster Dog Show.  They bark whenever a animal of any kind is on the TV.  I used to watch those shows. Can't watch anymore :-(
We watch TV rarely and Camus ignores it completely. He prefers the laptop and always try to type and post something on DK. There is no way to use the laptop if Camus is around. Also he is very interested in youtube videos.
Myla does this Chloe will only look if there's a dog barking but Myla turns her head to the side and everything-good picture to capture!
Yes, my ALD LOVES TV.  He is a big fan of animal planet but also loves westerns where the horses are running.  If any animals are "talking" during the filming (monkeys screeching, dogs barking, etc.) he is totally involved.  Sometimes he just can't control himself and he runs to the TV and jumps up on it as if he can get into the action.  He loves any of the African animals who are hunting or running.  He also runs to the computer if we are playing any videos with animal voices.  I think he loves the sounds as much as the action on the TV or computer.
My dog loves Doctor Who and anything with great sound effects. Sometimes if the music is really spooky he'll glance over at me to make sure I'm not scared. :-)


Jack loves TV, more then me by far, I leave it on for him when I go out, I am not a big TV person except for a few shows. Jack loves the animal planet, Animal cops disturb him if he hears the dogs or cats make a distress cry, he gets upset. He loves anything with dogs or birds on it.


I actually have a video that is called the puppy babysitter, It has all kinds of monkeys and odd things on it, He prefers regular tv to that. He HATES The Dog Whisper., I think it is because every time it is on, during a commercial I try one of the moves out on him. He actually will leave the room now if that is on.. I kid you not.

YES, both my doodles watch tv, mostly animal planet and when I play the Wii.  Its so funny to watch both their heads move together when they are watching something its so funny :)
Sometimes ... But if there's a baby crying on TV ... Finnegan is all over it...nose pressed to screen...doin the doodle cocked head! If it doesn't stop he'll come get me. Smush... Nose back on the TV Screen!
Sometimes ... But if there's a baby crying on TV ... Finnegan is all over it...nose pressed to screen...doin the doodle cocked head! If it doesn't stop he'll come get me. Smush... Nose back on the TV Screen!
My doodle watches TV if there is music or bright flashing colors.  Other than that only if there is some sudden loud noise.



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