Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today was my first day back to school since Zeus came home a month ago. He just turned 25 weeks old and other than stealing dish and hand towels from the kitchen countertop, rolling the bathroom in toilet paper, and converting one of the dog beds into a golf course by skillfully engineering a putting hole in the middle of the fabric and foam (while I was in the room next to him), he’s done very well since I granted him parole from puppy prison 2½ weeks ago. So, I decided to leave him “unsecured” again under the supervision of Hercules and off to school I went. While I was gone (less than 4 hours), my little devil darling decided to redecorate the living room. Wasn’t that sweet of him?

Here’s the BEFORE photo:

And here’s the AFTER photo (my visual as I walked in the door):

I can’t say that I’m very fond of his style and technique . . . and neither was Hercules (poor guy had no comfy bed). BTW, in the AFTER pic., Zeus dragged those other two beds from another room. I had them wrapped in old blankets and sheets because one has damaged fabric and the other is the one Zeus made into a golf course. All of the fiberfill wads and piles you see in the pic. came from my dining room chair cushions (not any dog toys). Luckily, my microfiber suede sofas survived without any damage. 

I’d love to see pix of your Decorator Doodle’s work-of-art. Maybe we can compare their masterpiece showrooms and decide which Dood is the most skillful in interior design.


UPDATE: Before I left for school today, I put Zeus in a “gated community” right next to the porcelain goddess. I placed his golf course (damaged dog bed) in there for him, along with some toys, installed the baby gate, then moved his crate in front of the gate to prevent him from jumping over the top. He’s outgrown the crate and the bathroom is the only room downstairs with an interior door. So, I tell him he’s a good boy, give him and Hercules a kiss and off to school I went. When I returned home 4 hours later, I was so excited to open the door to my neat and clean home, be greeted by Hercules, and then by Zeus after I released him from the porcelain goddess prison. Well, when I got the door open, visions of sugar plums were not dancing in my head. This is what I saw:

And this is the bathroom from where he escaped. How the heck did he get out of there? The gate was still secured to the door frame!


My “designer dog” is certainly living up to his label. Maybe I should change his name to Houdini. Looks like I’ll have to shut the bathroom door next time. I was trying to be nice and let him see out, but my ONE good dining chair cushion was apparently too enticing to him . . . not to mention the largest and most expensive dog bed that only needed a new cover. Argh!

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Yup, I did. At first, I wouldn't even touch or speak to him because I needed time to cool off. I remained silent as I walked to the back door, opened it, and said, "OUT!" He and Hercules both went outside. Then I took some pix, cleaned it up, rearranged the room, let them back in, and gave them loving pats and hugs. It's all okay now, and I'm laughing about it because Zeus left me ONE undamaged cushion, which I'm going to use as a pattern to take a stab at sewing new ones. Oh, and, he left me enough fiberfill to stuff them, so all I'll need to buy is the fabric. See, he was trying to tell me that I need a print, rather than a solid color on my dining room chairs. I actually do like his style in that aspect. :0)
Oh my were you brave.  Rua turned 1 the end of July and I haven't left her alone other than to run across the street to the neighbors for a moment (knowing she would be at the window crying for me the whole time).  Thank goodness Rua has produced any masterpieces for me yet (other than paper...she LOVES to rip up and eat paper).
Oh Barbie, I see your mistake here--you came home too early. Zeus wasn't finished yet--he was actually in the middle of re-stuffing the cushions and putting a new cover on the dog beds. :)
Haha! I love your way of thinking.
OMD, Zeus was very, very busy while you were gone.  I've never had any significant "redecorating" from my Doods...the worst they did was "rearrange" the throw pillows on my sofas.  I'm assuming Zeus will find himself "back in jail"????
OMG !!!  I am so afraid to leave my two doodles out of the crate when I am not home.  I left them once while I ran to the corner store for 10 minutes.  I think they both waited at the front door thinking I was just outside.  I'm not that brave yet to leave for any amount of time.  Maybe when Oliver gets out of his "puppy" stage, he is 14 months old and still very much a puppy.  Sasha will be 2 and if she were alone she would probably not do anything but sleep on the couch (I think).  Good luck in repairing your chairs :)

OMD - I'm not sure what I would have done, you handled it much better than I would have I'm sure.


Maggie is two and although I have never left her uncrated when I go out, I think she would be just fine. KoKo, 11 months, will NEVER be uncrated (based upon her current behavior).  The only "redecorating" she has done is removing a very large section of my dining room wallpaper, enough that I will have to redo the room.  On the other hand she has stolen, chewed and swallowed all kinds of things.

Wow Zeus was very busy.  He will need a long nap after all that work!  Looks like parole will be revoked!
Yeah, he slept really well last night. I guess the best part of this is that he's worked up an appetite and has been eating all of his food the past two evenings. Parole revocation is definitely in order.
OH NO!!! Looks like he was a busy boy while you were out! Lola just turned 4 in July, and she STILL destroys anything paper-related while we're gone (if we're dumb enough to leave it lying around!!) So often, I come home to a completely destroyed box of kleenex, or a roll of toilet paper, or an important work document. Aren't our doodles just so thoughtful?
Oh My Doodle!!  That is astonishing! What a busy boy.  I guess Zeus had some feelings about your leaving the house without him! LOL (just a little laugh).



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