Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I HATE Stupid dog owners!!! HATE THEM!!!


Why would anyone bring a dog to a dog park if they know they have aggression issues?? It was apparantly the first thing this stupid woman said to some of the owners when she came in "my dog is sometimes aggressive with smaller dogs so be careful". SERIOUSLY??


So why then, when her dog is attacking my dog does she not get up, put out her cigarette, and pull her dog away? heaven forbid.


I don't really remember a whole lot about what happened, but I can still hear my baby squealing and don't know if I'll ever get that sound out of my head. Lucky for her my instincts were quick enough and her skin was not broken by any of the bites. It was certainly nowhere near as a bad as if it were an aggressive pit bull, but still, it was a very terrifying few minutes. Half the other owners in the dog park were in there pulling dogs away, and I had Sophie in my arms before the owner decided to get up and come over. Her dog kept jumping up and biting Sophie's legs trying to pull her back down, each time sophie crying out. Someone finally pulled the dog away, and that's when the owner the decided maybe she should react and take her dog away. I saw her leaving as we were checking Sophie over for any injuries. In then end I think I was far more shaken then she was (thank goodness).


Are there laws about stuff like this?? Isn't she obligated to keep her dog under control?? Can't she be fined??


In all the chaos I don't really remember much of what happened because of all the adrenalin rushing through me. All I know is my poor doodle wouldn't leave my side or interact with any other dog for a while. I wanted to make sure we left on a positive note so I tried to get her to play again. It wasn't until her friends Abe and Rufus came in about 15 minutes later that she finally started to perk up. That's when Abe's owner pointed out that I was bleeding. I guess with all the adrenalin I hadn't even felt the bite. At some point my left hand got bitten and my arm is badly scratched up. I have no idea if it was the aggressive dog, or one of the other dogs, or even my own.


Anyway, I'm ok, and so is my precious SophieBear, thank goodness. But what an ordeal. I'm still shaken an upset. Even though I've been awol from DK for a few weeks it was the first place I came to share my story and vent. Thanks for reading my ramble!



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actually, I have never visited any of the big parks. This incident happened at one of the small fenced in parks downtown (there are actually a lot of them). That said, I called the city and they actually don't seem to have any policy on banning people from dog parks. however, I filed a complaint and they are investigating.

Really?  I haven't seen any of the smaller ones.  Maybe you should try Brewer park (near Carleton U if you can get there) I heard it's full of only nice dogs.  A lady told us about it in whispers one day, saying it's a little "secret" among the owners of nice dogs ;)


I can't see them enforcing the banning of people from dog parks, that's probably why they don't do it.  They wouldn't be able to enforce it.

OMD this is why I dont like to go to dog parks. Im glad you and Sophie are ok
Dog parks are scary places.  We went once but never again and we didn't meet anything like what SophieBear experienced.  There must be a better way of monitoring these places becasue in theory they are such a great idea.   I'm so glad you got her out before any damage was done.  Please make sure your tetanus shots are up to date if you were bitten for your own safety.

Sherri, please call the park police and make a report. Then ask your friends to call the police when and if this woman and her dog show up. At our dog park it's actually not that hard to get a dog/owner banned from the park. She is of course obligated to keep her dog under control--heck your park's website. There should be a list of rules and also contact information. I'm so sorry that this happened.


I'm so glad little Sophie is okay! I'm also glad you decided to leave on a "positive note". This type of situation can create a bad memory=disastrous future visits to the dog park!!! Thank heavens Lola was never attacked at the dog park...she has left bleeding, but that's from self-inflicted wounds (she's a little clumsy!), but a neighbourhood doodle was once attacked by a dog at the park and the whole half of it's face was ripped apart,it was awful. I'm so glad Sophie's alright!! Take care of your arm!!
Seeing that you're from ottawa I'm assuming you go to the same dog park as me and I know the chow that you are referring to. Some dogs are regulars at the park and I remember one aggressive chow that I made sure to stay clear from. One thing I try to do and stay clear of packs of dogs until I know it's a safe environment for my dog to enter, as my dog is not an aggressive "player" as others. I glad you didn't leave immediately and left on a positive note!
I wonder if you could let Sherry know what the owner's license plate number is if you ever happen to see that Chow's owner at the dog park again. If two of you are looking for a way to identify her maybe she can be stopped from allowing her dog to brutalize the other dogs at the park.
Terrlyn! it's nice to have another local active on this site. There's only two of us, and now you make three. I sent you a message about the park. I'm  off early from work so I'm going to give the city a call and see if I can figure out what the rules are for the park and how to go about having someone banned.

There are two parks - Sherri and I don't frequent the same one.  There's also a beach (Brewer's park) that we haven't tried.


There are a few aggressive dogs at the South end park - we steer clear of the ones we recognize and every time one of them acts aggressively they get an earful from my fiance. 


I'll never understand why some dogs attack really sweet dogs.  Luna is like Sophie - not a mean bone in her little body.  She really has no concept of aggression and just kinda acts really confused if a dog is aggressive towards her.

there are lots of little parks in the downtown area. If you want a great swimming spot, look up lemieux Island. It's a real gem. you basically turn off the island parkway just before parkdale exit. cross the bridge, park in the lot of the water treatment plant. Walk around to the back, and presto: doggie paradise.

We'll have to try that sometime.  Luna loves to swim, but she hates jumping in, so we need to find her somewhere nearby that she can walk into the water herself.


Have you tried some of the bigger nature trail parks?  I was under the impression they were the only ones around, since I've only heard people talking about those two (Bruce and Conroy pits)



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