Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Back by popular demand we are doing calendar photos this month. This should give us plenty of time to get photos, critique them,  and in general try to help each other in this tough competition : ) I am copying some of Adina's past guidelines so you will have an idea of what's acceptable, assuming they will remain the same. I will also track down some of the back and forth we had about what's she looking for as far as content when I get a chance. Please only post photos that meet the minimal guidelines. We should all try to be honest in our comments. Sometimes I think we try to be nice , always a good thing, but avoid helpful criticism , which can also be a good thing. In this instance helpful criticism is to be encouraged I think.

Update: Adina's Guidelines

Update: 2011 Calendar Submission announcement

Update:  This assignment is going to continue for the month of September

For those of you asking about cameras and editing, this was taken with my Nikon D90, and I did barely any editing. See, no snow on Calla's nose

The original:

My submission, later cropped a bit more for the 2011 labradoodle calendar cover:


Update: Here are some more discussions that may give you more ideas of what Adina prefers. You have to wade through them.





***** If you crop, and you should only do this judiciously, the photos need a MINIMUM of 1800 x 2300 pixels when Adina submits them. It's better to leave a margin for error, Adina can fiddle with the size if she loves your picture and needs to crop a little.

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Thanks, F!
Karen, I really like these photos my only wish would that we could see his eyes more. Maybe some of those editing gurus could work their magic. JD is one handsome dood and certainly is calendar material.
I know...he normally has such soulful eyes. But right now he's flaring, and his eyelids are pruple. It's a moot point anyway, though, because I can't seem to get him to look right at me, and his hair is all broken off on his muzzle between his eyes from the rubbing.
I like the second from the bottom too. Maybe someone can help you Photoshop out that little bit of leash and some of the hair around his eyes. He is one cute doodle. We have been trying all day for better pictures of Fudge and she will not look at the camera. Drives me crazy. I tried to get her in a wheelbarrow and she was having none of that today. Vern will do anything for a in the wheelbarrow and he broke the bottom board. Seems an antique wheelbarrow was not designed to hold a 90 pound doodle.

LOL- JD wouldn't get into or onto anything for a photo! Makes me want Vern that much more!

The "someone" whose help I'm hoping for is the husband of a very beautiful blonde lady who fosters doodles for the DRC and who stole JD's heart the moment he met her.

I have Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 on this computer, and my daughter won't show me how to use it. She is the impatient type. I can't even crop a photo now, and I could do that & more on my old computer. I hate feeling helpless.

Karen, I love the picture with the chairs. If you can crop it some maybe it wouldn;t be so busy with the house out of the picture. I think the chairs add a very summery look.
Don't feel bad..I downloaded Photoshop Elements and I am not even sure if I did that correctly. It is too bad that handsome husband of the very beautiful blonde lady won't come to your area for a min-vacation and take tons of pictures of JD for you :) Keep showering them with never know..LOL!!
Karen, I have PSE9 and truly it's mostly too complicated though I keep saying I'll learn it. For simple stuff down load Picasa. It's free and easy to use. You can crop in a jiffy. I always try to do it in the same ratio as the shot. Also save the cropped/edited version, and undo what you've done or copy and then edit. That way you have the original.
I have always loved the close-up of Jack that you use for your profile.  I think it would make a fantastic calendar shot and if it is too small for a single page, then I would love to see it on a multiple shot page. I liked all the pictures of Jack.  He may be flaring right now, but the photographs don't show it.   I also really love the unfenced yard backgrounds.  Will Jack let you trim the muzzle hairs so that they don't stick up and block his eyes?  Ned and Clancy have this problem also so I only get good shots of their faces after they have been groomed, or if I can get some of those stick up hairs cut.
Yes, same with my two re: obtrusive hair.
Problem is that the hair is broken off so short there, i'd be afraid to try trimming's very close to his eyes. I can ask the groomer, though, he's there every week now.
A few snips with a thinning shears is all that is needed.



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