Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Here is a list of past discussions on puppy mouthing/nipping/biting. I think this is probably the most common and widespread issue among doodle puppies, and particularly of concern to those with young children.



More Mouthing,

Still More Mouthing,

Even More Mouthing,

Mouthing and Age of Puppy,

Mouthing with Kids


Recent discussions 2013 - 

When does the biting stop?

This question is asked by nearly EVERY doodle owner at one point. Because it is so commonly asked, those of us who are well past this stage, often do not respond to everyone's individual post. By keeping the individual posts down, and centralizing the discussion to a single thread, I think it can be the most helpful for everyone.

I highly suggest reading through some of the older threads for feedback. If you find things you like, you are welcome to copy and paste suggestions into the comments below, and continue the discussion here.

I am also happy to add things here, some of my personal recommendations are:

1) EXERCISE -- doodle pups need LOTS of exercise, at 4-6 months bb was getting 4x 30 minute play sessions outside with frisbee, tennis ball, etc, and 3x 20 minute walks, not to mention indoor play, too.

2) leave the leash on -- BB had a leash on around the house every moment for his entire puppyhood. 

3) Crate - BB is most "fussy" when he is over tired or over stimulated (new place, new people, too much attention etc.) This still happens occasionally he needs a "time out". After his time out, he is no longer 'Crazy dog'. He settles VERY quickly because he knows he needs it. DONT be afraid to crate when both of you needs a time out.

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Very helpful resource, Carla! Thanks for taking the time to post these threads.

Please post any suggestions for nipping and biting here. Links to other threads and websites would also be very helpful!


Help! My 6 month old mini GD Piper is extremely mouthy. Every day it is the same problem, she will jump up and try and bite my hands or nip at my pants/legs. Every time I try to put on her leash she also tries to get her entire mouth over my hand. I am pretty sure that she is done with teething now, and the problem persists. She doesn't act this way with my boyfriend. She doesn't ever nip at him like she does to me. I feel like I have tried everything. Bitter spray on my hands, grabbing her snout and saying no, time outs, ignoring her. Nothing seems to be working. She usually does it to try and start playing. Does anyone have any other advise? Will she outgrow this?

YES! She will outgrow it. I thought Charlie (AKA the Shark!) would never stop. My pants and socks definitely showed that I had a puppy with a nipping problem. I tried to teach him to do something incompatible with nipping, instituted endless time outs for both of us, made a few attempts at a gentle muzzle hold, and of course sprayed bitter apple all over. Those things probably all had an impact, although which one is more effective I don't know.  Time  and the constant attention to other behavioral aspects was probably the best cure. At 8 months, once in awhile he tries, but I just let him know in a disapproving tone that it's not welcome and he stops.

This sounds like my problem! Can't wait to read other replies.

Glad for the collective wisdom 10 1/2 month male is still in the biting/niping phase.  Like others, he's trying to entice us to play.  Like others, my son's screaming reaction doesn't help the situation (and I'm not having luck training my son in this area either...).  The way we've got things set up, we're going back to going over the gate to get away from him (no eye contact, no talking to him) or putting him in the crate.  We say no bite, but he thinks we're asking him to play.  My son had a friend sleep over, and the dog got so excited at one point, he knocked the gate down, went after the kid and mouthed him (which freaked the kid out, since he's not experienced with dogs, and didn't know what to make of it).  That's the main reason I write, looking for suggestions.  My guy gets so excited around anyone, he can't get a hold of himself.  And he's around people, it's not like it's a rare occurence.  Do I just have to wait out my annoying teenager?  Thanks!

Henry is 12 weeks today. Wow time flies! Reading other people's posts on here I am not looking forward to so many more months of biting!! I've taught him the 'leave it' command and that seems to work well when he starts going crazy on a pant leg or a foot. Ian Dunbar, who I've been reading a lot lately, suggests giving them a sit command to redirect their attention. This works okay as well but if Henry is in the zone it's hard to stop him.  

Having the same problem with my 4 month old.  Zoe will sit on command 90% of the time, but when she's in the biting/jumping 'zone', nothing works.  I too am a bit chagrined about several more months of nipping/biting/jumping behavior.  We're tried everything suggested but for about 20 minutes twice a day, it's unstoppable.  I guess we'll just have to try and avoid her when she's in that state :-(

Wish had this site when Breezy was biting so badly. Had to throw out many pants , one coat etc. she is 9 months now and it gets better almost daily. She still will mouth my hands, mostly when she wants attention, but no longer breaks skin.just thought i would post and let you know it does get better. I actually thought my puppy was different and a dominant bad puppy. Hang in !!

I too am having the problem where when Belle (who is now 15 weeks) gets into her biting phase nothing works. If it's just slight nipping and she's not going crazy, usually if we say "kisses" she licks our hand rather than biting and we praise her for licking. Smetimes she gets into a crazy mood and nothing can stop her and I have a hard time picking her up to put her in a time out. The trainer suggested yelp and leave the room, but when I leave the room she pees on the floor (I am also having housebreaking issues still). When I've put her in a small powder room for 10-20 seconds for a time out she is more crazy when I let her out and the biting is worse instead of better. We also try turning our backs and using the off command when she jumps up to bite us or our clothing; but it only works when she is not in crazy mode. We also try distracting her with a toy, which again works sometimes but generally only temporarily if she is in crazy mode.

Wow. I'm incredibly glad to have found this site.  My 11 week old pup, Yarrow, is the nippiest pup I have ever known, and I've had dogs my whole life. She's ripped holes in my clothes and I have bandaids on my hands from her super sharp baby teeth. I thought I just had adopted a pup with a difficult and dominant temperament... although she seemed the calmest one in the litter. 

 I actually sat on the kitchen floor, a week ago today, and had a real sob, wondering what I was doing wrong.  Yarrow looked at me from across the room with a curious and heart breaking expression.  I called her over to let her know I was okay - she seemed worried.  I had a little chat with her while cuddling her, telling her how much I love her no matter what.  It was a good moment for both of us.  The next day she seemed to have a better understanding of 'kisses' and 'gentle' and I came to realize that I have to really step up my game with this pup.  Yarrow is a full time job and I've rolled up my sleeves.

These are the strategies I've come up with.

I get in as much snuggling as possible in many 5-10 second doses because we both love being lovey and kissy. And it's a good time to teach her 'kisses' and 'gentle' and praise her for it.  More than 10 seconds seems to instigate excitement.   

If I'm at home, petting her, I stop touching her as soon as I see her intention shifting to play.  At which time I grab some kibbles and we go through 'sit', 'lay down' and 'look at me'.  If she is still intent on going for my pants, I have given myself some options. 1. Let her get a nip in so I can yelp and leave the room for about 20 seconds.  She responds pretty well to that most of the time by being quiet and gentle when I return and give her the cold shoulder. 2. Hand her one of the many toys I have out of her reach (I control the toys) 3. Take her outside for a brisk walk for 20 - 30 minutes.   

Also, I am resigned to wearing clothing that I don't care about, even out walking with her.  My new neighbors are going to think I own nothing but holey old sweats!  On occasion she's decided to play an intense game of tug of war with my pants, boot, sweater, coat, mittens, while I'm out in public with her.  Oh well. At those times, nothing works except standing still with my back to her until she stops - because I am no fun.  If it's my mitten, I pry it out of her mouth and put it in my pocket.

I'm so relieved to find out Yarrow is a normal doodle pup.  My gratitude to everyone who has taken the time to post their growing pains with doodle puppies.



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