Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone! 

 It has been longer than I realized since I have been on, and I hope everyone is well.   


 My girl, Roxy is about 20 months old, and has recently started peeing ON MY BED. 


 A couple days ago we were in the middle of playing together and she popped a squat right in front of me on the bed, and last night I realized the foot of the bed was wet, and sure enough she had peed again. 


Life has changed dramatically at home for her.  In the past 3 weeks, all three of my kids have begun all day school for the first time.  My husband and I also took a trip (the first one since we have gotten Roxy) and so we were gone- although Roxy was with my parents and our children.  My mom also mentioned to me that Roxy had peed in her house once, which is also very unusual. 


So the peeing has happened three times so far, in the past week.  She doesn't seem to be acting guilty about this, but she is usually a great dog, and doesn't really get in trouble much- so she may not even have the guilty gene :)


Basically, I am trying to figure whether she may have a medical issue, or if it could just be her telling us she is not happy with the changes going on around her.


 I appreciate all help!

  Thank you!


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I think when you have a normally well potty trained dog that is suddenly having accidents the first thing that comes to mind is a UTI.  The accidents seem a little far apart for that to be the case but it might be worth taking a urine sample to the vet just to be certain.  Is it possible the one at your Mom's was just because she was at a different house and might have been a little confused being out of her normal environment?  Be sure to clean all 3 spots with something like Nature's miracle to neutralize the smell or she will continue going there and that is of course something you really don't want to start happening.  Hopefully some others will chime in with other possibilities.
UTI is exactly what I thought,too.

Dogs can not feel guilt!


She may have a UTI or she may just be a little stressed with the changes at home. Cooper went through a phase where she would pee (on the bed or futon) 3 times in a week, then not do it again.


Douse the area she peed with Natures Miracle or some kind of Pet Urine Stain and Odour remover to totally remove the smell (dogs have very sensitive noses) to help deter her from going there again

My Ellie did fact we was laying on the bed watching TV and she just laid between us and just peed...didn't even move....took her to the vet and sure enough...she had UTI.....I would agree....have her checked at the vet.   She has been under some stress too....but if she has been a good dog all this time I would say she may have an infection.

did you see an increase in water intake? my well behaved 13 month dog has started peeing in the house and on my bed. she's NEVER peed on the bed before :(

i've noticed a significant increase in water intake.

I had a dog who did this and it was stress related.  Jasper didn't do it every day it was just occasional but it was a really difficult habit that we never managed to break.   Jasper  had separation anxiety and this was one of the behaviours we struggled with for years.   The first time he did it was after I had been away.  Rule out a UTI first and if that's clear get professional help from an expert sooner rather than later.
Keep us up to date ok?  I'm betting UTI.



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