Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My DH and I both LOVE Luna's smell, so I decided it would be a fun game to try to describe your doodle's smell in 3 words.


I'm not talking the strange smells they sometimes come in with from outside.. or the after-bath smell, or the smell after they've eaten some smelly treats.  Just describe their "normal" smell, the one you get if you bury your nose deep in the fur on top of their head and take a good sniff!


I'll get us started:


Luna smells - sweet, smoky and woodsy



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Daisy smells fresh, airy and sweet.
Soft Stuffed Toy  :)
Just like Fritos  (good enough to eat!!)
Nice one!
Stinky farm sweat for Rosco.  OK just his beard.
sweetness, softness and comfort!
I am totally obsessed with smelling Lola!!! We use "Wallflowers" from Bath and Body Works, so whatever I have plugged in at the time tends to seep into Lola's scent. Right now, she smells like sweet pumpkin, with her usual undertones of "warm woodsey" and grass!!

Kona: sweet, warm, woodsy-- cannot get enough of that!

Owen: peeeee-u (I don't know why but my pup stinks!) sour, wet dog, putrid  :o(  In fact we have to wash his collar all of the time because it smells so gross! My carpet has taken on a disgusting dog smell too. What's could be the deal? I've never had such a stinky dog.

Fudge - sweet, sweet, sweet


Vern- Pretty darn stinky!  Not all the time, but when he gets done rolling...YES!

Amante smells  cedar, woodsy comfort!!
Ollie smells sweet and outdoorsy. No smelly dog here. He often smells like rosemary from his backyard romps.
Right this minute it is Clean, Clean, Clean as both just had baths!



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