Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Let me preface this with saying I have NEVER given him raw hide before.  I work from home and was about to get on a conference call and I didn't want him to start barking.  So I gave him a 4 inch very thin piece of Raw hide someone gave me.  I was sitting at my computer which is right in front of his ex-pen so I was watching him chew on it.  I was on the call for not even 15 minutes when I saw him swallow the whole thing!!!  He seems completely fine.  This is the same puppy (just 6 months and 47 lbs!!) who swallowed one of my socks and pooped it out 3 days later.  At the moment he seems fine but is there anything I should look for?  Should I make him throw it up.. if so how do you do that??  I'm so worried about it.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Thank you



P.S. Never giving him raw hide again!!!

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A 4 inch piece (of any chew)  is way to small for a dog that size. Hopefully it will pass, Id just keep a very close eye on him for a few days. If he is eating, drinking and pooping as normal then Id say hes ok. Having said that, making him throw up probably wouldnt hurt
It was 4 by 2 inches and super thin (width wise).  Do you really think he will be ok?  I'll keep a very close eye on him.  I couldn't sleep the 3 days it took for him to pass the sock!  How do I make him throw up?  I've heard the canned pumpkin can help them pass things due to the fiber...are you familiar with this?  Thanks so much for responding!!!

Pumpkin will help him poop. To make him throw up people use hydrogen peroxide, but I have never done it so I wouldnt know exactly what to do (there are many on DK who have so hopefully they respond soon). After hearing how wide the piece was, maybe getting him to throw up would be a good idea. maybe call the vet and ask them for advice


You could always go into the chat and see if anyone there knows

My dog eats rawhide all the time with no problems.  No need to worry!  Do not induce vomiting!

Thank you Donna!  The vet said the same thing.  My DH said "anything that can poop out a sock shouldn't have a problem with rawhide!"  Now I feel much better...


Love this site!

I would call the vet before doing anything on your own. Good Luck!
Jayd, Your vet's response made me laugh. I was thinking that if he pooped out the sock he would be okay. Haha.
Glad to hear he'll probably be fine. We stopped with the rawhides too. Heard enough stories to scare us!
I don't understand what making him vomit would help, coming back up would not will be fine, doesn't seem that awfully big.
Just an update-  Crisis diverted...all is well with Dempsey.  No issues from swallowing the rawhide.  Now if I could only stop him from counter surfing!  Thanks for everyone's support.



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