Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Truman is an F1 Goldendoodle and the best boy ever! That being said, I have swept up enough hair in the last two weeks to make a new dog. It comes out in "tumbleweeds" and I vacuum everyday and swifter. There is hair on everything. I realize he could very well be a shedder, and I'll deal if so but is there a chance it's temporary?

He also has a coarse strip of hair down his back that wasn't so pronounced before. It's almost like it doesn't match the rest of his body.

The pictures of his litter mates have beautiful flowing coats and here's my poor boy. Any advice, past experience or encouragement would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!

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From your photographs of Truman on your page, I'd say he's very likely a shedder. He has a straighter, scruffier coat, like my Jack, who sheds more than any dog I've ever seen. 16 weeks also seems pretty early for a coat change.

I don't think this is temporary. Love him for who he is, "the best boy ever"!  

Truman is an awesome name!!! I adore it....
Thanks Jennifer. It seems to fit the big guy quite well.
Amy, I am sure you are disappointed that you got a shedder, but I have to tell you Truman is one of the most adorable puppies I have seen. I love his face and his coat. He reminds me of our Vern, who is a light shedder. Enjoy every minute of that sweet doodle.
Wow, Truman is a doll.  Gavin sheds lightly too, but the good news is that he is easier to groom and does not mat up like many other doodles do.  People say to me "he's a doodle, he dosen't shed right?"  and I say "only if you are wearing black!"  I couldn't love him more.
Fingers crossed! That would be perfect!
Truman's coat sounds similar to Owen's. He had the coarse stripe down his back and lots of "bunny fur" that came off.  He is now a light shedder at one year. Hope that is how Truman ends up.
Yay! Some hope ;)
We didn't have Clancy as a puppy, but he is a big shedder and probably always  was.  He has a coarse stripe down his back too.
Clancy is so handsome!
Thanks everyone! At this point I guess I'm just hoping he will even out and become a light shedder in the end. At any rate I'll take what I can get. He didn't shed at first so maybe that is a glimmer of hope. Love him anyway though, just gotta get another big box of swiffers from Sam's!
looks like you have a shedder, thats pretty common with early generations. The coarser tuft down the back is also very common in a ll generations of GDs and LDs



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