Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all,

I noticed a very loose poop yesterday with Lola, but didn't think much of it since it's been an up and down situation for months now....but since yesterday evening, she needed to go out every hour or hour and a half, and its not good. It's past the loose category, and very runny. I was up with her all night, and she just woke me up again about 5 min ago. It seems to be an emergency situation every time too, she runs to the back door, and then runs to a spot in the backyard to do her business. It doesn't seem to be getting any better, and I don't know what I should do. She seems to be fine otherwise...she's eating, drinking, wagging...her usual perky self. I can't think of what this could be...she hasn't really eaten anything (that I know of) out of the ordinary. Any ideas??

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Thanks, Leslie. That's weird that Halas has been having soft poops too. A friend of ours just told us that her 2 dogs were sick last night can't be the same thing because Lola and her dogs have never met, but it's a weird coincidence. I haven't had any luck getting a hold of our vet today, but I'll keep calling. Hopefully we can just drop off the sample. What do you normally bring it in? A baggie?? Everytime we've had to give a sample in the past, we've always been supplied with those tubes
I use those disposable storage containers with the screw-on lids. Makes it easier for the techs and cuts down on the mess and smell, lol.

I just used a baggie, but I could have used a poop bag.  The part I hated was driving around with a bag of poop in the car. LOL.


Halas' problem seems to be that he just hasn't gotten back to normal yet since being on antibiotics about a month ago.  His poop tests came back negative for parasites, etc.

Good to hear, Leslie. Now, thanks to a major downpour of rain for the past few hours, I can't even get a sample...everything's been washed away. So now I have to wait for her to go again...I think from going all night, she's too tired to even go outside!!! This may end up being a whole day's ordeal!

you can give peptobismol to dogs


When Cooper had a bad tummy I added psyllium husks to a little food. it doesnt stop the diarrhea but it bulks it together so its not as messy

thanks, Kaytlin. I think I've given up on the vet for today since I havent heard back, and the pouring rain is preventing me from getting a sample. I might go back to the pumpkin to see if that works, and I'll stock up on pepto in case the pumpkin doesn't work. I had nooo idea about the psyllium! That's great to know!
So I finally got a hold of the vet, but spoke with one of his assistants. She gave me some canned food that's "easier on the digestive tract". Ugh, that was pointless. I understand they were just closing the office and were probably in a hurry, but I wish I had gotten more in terms of "what to do". Lola's slowed down a bit, but her stools are still runny. She still seems to feel great though...eating/drinking/prancing around. We're supposed to go to my FIL's house 2 hours away tomorrow (with Lola)...but I dont know if she should be riding in a car and having all that excitement. This is so frustrating.
Throw the canned food away or donate it to your local shelter. It's Rx garbage, but even if it were a wonderful nutritious food, which it isn't,  food doesn't cure anything. You still need to find out what's causing this. If it is a parasite, she really shouldn't go where there are any other dogs until she's been treated...giardia is highly contagious and any ground where she goes will have to be disinfected. A trip won;t harm her, but it could cause major problems for any other dogs who are around.
Ya, I almost just told her "forget it, you keep the food" but I didn't want to get into a whole explanation...I'm too tired! I hope it's not a parasite. Karen, can you clear up the whole Giardia thing for me? If she did have Giardia (or another parasite), wouldn't her condition worsen throughout the day? Would she be lethargic at all? I've also read that she would have smelly, mucousy stools. She doens't have any of this. I guess I'm just hoping for the best here!

Giardia usually doesn't have any effect...if it weren't for the poop, (frequency, consistency and urgency) you would never know there was anything wrong with them. I've seen very happy, playful, energetic dogs with raging giardia. To me, all poop stinks, but giardia poop isn't necessarily mucusy, especially early on. It's just really really loose, the dog has to go many more times a day than normal, and there is an urgent need.

Dogs can pick up giardia just about anywhere, even in their own yards from puddles or standing water.

Something has to be causing this. If she didn't eat anything new or unusual, and she isn't on any antibiotics or other meds that can cause loose poop, then it has to be a bug of some kind. Dogs can get occasional upset tummies, stomach flu type things, but it doesn't last for more than a day or so, just like with people.  And anything you would feed her that might temporarily help firm up the poop would be like putting a bandaid over an infected wound. It isn't going to cure it or get rid of it.

Right. Of course I wasn't expecting any type of food to cure her, but was hoping for the "time will heal" idea. I might have to get out of our plans for tomorrow to take her in, especially if this continues. Thanks for all your help!
I'm sure all the diarrhea can cause cramping. In the long term Giardia causes malabsorption and weight loss.



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