Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Sometimes Winston looks so sad. He mopes, huffs, flops on the floor, or comes up to me with the saddest eyes, tilts his head down, and buries it in my lap.
I know he appreciates me, the fact that he is inside with us, sleeping in the same room, well fed, given lots of exercise and play time. I know that all makes him happy. I can tell he feels better and his ears aren't bothering him so much. This morning a friend noted a remarkable difference in him from the first day I brought him home a week ago, she said he looks so much happier. He showed a lot more confidence today when we were in the park. He ran around with more enthusiasm.
But then there are the sad moments, he looks up at me with the most serious look, as if he is so hard done by and life is such a struggle (maybe he should be a poet??). He wimpers in his sleep sometimes. I can't help but wonder if he thinks of his former family and misses them. I know they treated him terribly but I know that dogs are loyal to their people.
Do you think dogs miss their previous families, even if they were neglected or mistreated? How can I help him feel better and put them behind him?
LOL There you go. And PERFECT. You have BEEN there--Done That! I bet my doodles you will be screaming from a TOO HAPPY DOG, soon
Also, Karen mentioned TRAINING. I can not say enough about training and the adoptive dog :) The best thing to do. Hope you find a class to attend. Not only is it good for the dog but it helps you both bond.
I agree Joanne....Also animals feel what we are feeling too. You are sad for him and his past experiences, which we all are. maybe he feels that sadness.....
I would say, take a deep breath, continue to love and take care of him and in a few weeks this guy will forget all about where he came from and will feel like the luckiest doodle in the world!!!!
PS so glad you kept the name...I loved my Winston!
Some dogs just have soulful looks and personalities, but I think given his situation it would be easy to put these human emotions to his expressions and to feel sorry for him. My Murphy doesn't give the sad look, he just gets very anxious and frantic when we leave him, why? We don't know, and we've had him since he was a pup. He has always been this way.
Bella, now she has soulful eyes and expressions and again has been with us since a puppy. Could I say she was sad if she had an abusive history and I wanted to humanize the look? Sure. But since she never has, I just think it's just "a look". Actually,I feel Bella communicates with me with her "looks" so how crazy am I?
Having said that, if Murphy were rehomed, I could picture him sitting by the window waiting for us for weeks. But with love and care I am sure he would adjust eventually, just like Winston.
This is her asking this morning in the RV...."So where's the food??"
This is her saying "You want me to get up and COME? I don't think so"
And this is her sweetly asking: "So where are YOU going to sleep mom?"
He still needs time to adjust to this huge change, and to understand that this new home and this new family is permanent. Dogs live by routine and what is familiar. They have to know what to expect and what is expected from them in order to relax and be themselves. Right now, Winston isn't sure what he's supposed to be doing at any given moment or what might happen next. I doubt that he is thinking about his former owners; but he's used to spending a lot of time outdoors on his own, so it's going to take time for him to get used to the new routine. Part of the reason he seems so happy at the park may be that it's familiar to him, he's used to being outdoors running around, so he feels sure of what to do in that situation.
I already know you are giving him lots of love, so I won't suggest that. But maybe start to do a little bit of training work with him. Just tiny things, like down stays and sit stays with tons of praise and small treats, so he feels like he is doing something right and pleasing you. Set up any kind of little situation where he can feel successful in his new environment.
And don't worry. JD acted the same way when I first adopted him. I'm pretty sure he's happy now. :)
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