Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Now Accepting Calendar Photo Submissions for the Doodle Kisses 2012 Calendars!!!

As of today, September 1st, Doodle Kisses will now be accepting photo submissions for our 2012 Doodle Kisses Labradoodle & Goldendoodle* Calendars. I will first link you to the photo requirements and then I will tell you how to submit and what email to send them to--ALL the info is here and in the link...please read it very carefully so you don't miss anything. It is lengthy.

We have created a list of photo requirements to help guide you in choosing an appropriate photo(s) of your doodle(s). Please be sure to read these requirements carefully so you choose high quality photos: -- this will help you avoid wasting time sending photos that will immediately be disqualified.

Now ... on to How to Submit Photos

1) Send ONLY ONE photo PER EMAIL ONLY--I know this is tedious, but if you do it wrong I'll make you do it over :-/ It helps tremendously in sorting photos if you only send ONE photo per email. So if you have 1 photo you send one email. If you have 5 photos, you send 5 separate emails.

2) You may submit up to 5 photos PER doodle you own.

3) In your email please tell me what TYPE of doodle you have that is in the photo (labradoodle or goldendoodle or whatadoodle*) and tell me what your DK Profile name is.

4) IF ANY of your photos are professionally taken you must confirm that you have rights to use said photo(s) in a calendar that will be sold. Also if the photographer wants a copyright notice with the photo (i.e. Adina Pearson Photography (c) ) then please let me know that information.

5) Send your photos to

That's it!

Deadline for Submissions: September 30, 2012---please bookmark this discussion or click "Follow" at the bottom of the thread to say up-to-date on any changes which DK Admin reserve the right to make at any time. It will be your responsibility to keep informed on this by reading through the responses to this discussion because these may contain clarification and additional tips. Selection of final calendar photos will be done by DK Admin and is subject to their best judgment

* Because Doodle Kisses is primarly a site for labradoodle and goldendoodle owners, our two main calendars will only feature labradoodles and goldendoodles (and double doodles/NAR's). However, our multi-doodle calendar will accept photos of other commonly accepted doodles such as aussiedoodles. While we love all dogs, we have to stay true to our site's focus. If you have a rescue doodle and are not sure what precise type it is...just take your best guess when listing the type of doodle your dog is.

**As always a portion of proceeds from sales of these calendars will be donated to doodle and dog rescue organizations.

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Replies to This Discussion


I just sent off some photo's.  I did them all in separate emails, but some look they tagged along on the original email.  Do I need to resubmit?


Thank you,


Should be fine.  It's mostly for convenience that I need each one separately so I can delete the ones I don't want for sure without losing the rest.  Then it's easier to go through them.  I won't really be a stickler about it as I don't have time to be one =)
Adina, I am trying this for the first time.  Your instructions say a minimum of 200 DPI.  Since DPI is dots per inch for printing and I am trying to make sure my pic's resolution is high, do you have a recommendation for pixels per inch (ppi)?
I think it's a minimum of 2300 x 1800
I just read rule # 11 and I guess that leaves my goldendoodle out since I like to have her face shaved.  I don't like the shaggy look on her, and most people think she is a full standard poodle. 
It is important to keep your dog the way you want.  The calendar submission isn't really as important as pleasing yourself.
What time on September 30th is the deadline to submit photos?
Pretty sure it is midnight PDT. To be on the safe side I would start a tad earlier : )
Carry me if you can!  This is Bella (4 months) with my son Alex (11).  The boys BEST friend! DK name is Frances S
Cute photo.
Frances, you will need to submit to the EMAIL address listed...I won't accept photos put into this discussion.

how do we know if you recived the pictures that we sent?



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