Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Every time I  take Amante for a walk and there is a worm on the concrete he insists on rolling on it. EVERYTIME!! When it has been raining and all the worms come out ....well you can imagine. Are there any other doodles that  do this!!


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Luna does this - so gross!

Ha Ha,  Trixie so far does not roll in things.  On our walks in the woods- there are these skinny worms though & she tries to eat them.  They are very hard to see....but she sees them

Last week as we were walking & discussing the woolly catepillars (they are all brown here this year) She stepped right on one & squished it- As she didnt see the big woolly catepillar!  LOL

Yep, it's very much a doodley thing. Try to keep Amante close. Lola doesn't roll in worms, but many other things, especially after a rain!
Count your blessings...Fudge used to eat them :)
Ohhhh he does that sometimes too!!  My girls scream and yell" that so gross, now his kisses are gross!!!" LOL
Tara is also a worm roller and she prefers dead rotting ones. I haven't seen her roll on anything ELSE. I guess worms are just irresistible!!
Murphy is oblivious to small moving things on the ground or dead ones for that matter, Bella can spot them a mile away and heads right to them and will eat them . No rolling. I guess I should be thankful she doesnt' roll in some of the stuff she eats. Not sure which is worse now.
Just got back from a walk with Lola...and she had to roll in a painted patch of grass. You know when construction crews use spray paint to mark off certain things?? Ya...she rolled in several areas of that...whats up with that?!
Kona is a roller too.  Haven't come up on many worms, but the deader and smellier the better she says.

Rose Ann,

I have one doodle that rolls in everything under the sun.  My other doodle never rolls in anything.  He would rather eat it.  



UMMM no mine have never done that but they seem to pounce and try to get them dead or alive-it is gross!
We walk in the street instead of the sidewalk. If there was a worm though she wouldn't roll or eat it. She probably wouldn't see it!



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