Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As most of you already know we have to watch out for the gators here.  We've had a close call or two but nothing that mother nature didn't create.  NO the community will NOT let me put up a fence.  As far as I know, one has never come up into the yard from the lake behind us.  We see them swim past always going inside the lanai.  However, for the past 3 weeks we have been living in terror!  There is a smallish gator - I'm guessing 5 or 6 feet, that I believe someone has fed.  This makes them very dangerous as they now have no fear of humans.  I believe that someone has fed this gator because if I go out into the back yard with the boys in the morning or at dusk this guy (cue the Jaws music) will make a bee line straight across the lake right to us.  I've called security and they came once but no gator, (they can swim under the road through tubes from lake to lake), called them again when he came back but no one came out.  Called them again and nothing.  Tonight he came within a foot of the shore.  I'm trying to gather up 2 puppies with the zoomies and get them inside.  I'm shaking, I'm scared and I'm sick of living in FEAR.  I called security and told them that the next time I see it - I'm going to shoot it.  Yes - I do have a gun and am a pretty good shot.  They are now promising that the trapper will be here tomorrow but I swear - if I see it I'm going to shoot it and I will go to jail as it is illegal.  I no longer care - I've had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If I text you all from the back of the cruiser - will ya bail me out?

********************************************Security called just now and said that the trapper would be here by noon.  I don't care if he has to spend the night - he isn't leaving without that gator.  I've also called the shooting range and am taking a gun class on 10/27 for women.  I'm going to get my skills back up to snuff just incase I have to snuff a gator - lmao!  I'll let ya know if they catch him!!!! 

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OMD, Jane!  I'm sure there are any number of us who would bail you out.  I would be scared to death too.  Here's hoping the trapper will be there in the morning.  I must admit the "gun toting" side of you was something I hadn't quite envisioned.  LOL.

I think between us 8000+ members we can even offer you a defense lawyer.

I would be at my wits end Jane, I hope the Trapper takes care of it so you don't live in fear.

Perfect answer Lisa!
I'm voting for Harry of Harry's Law.
I will watch Rooney and Stuart until you are out of prison!  They are so cute!  ( I hope they catch your gator.)

I'm am shaking and crying, this was way too close.  I'm threatening my husband with DIVORCE if he doesn't move us to a place with a fence!  This is BEYONE ridiculous.  I am a good shot - ever hear of Calamity Jane? 

Being from Wisconsin this gator in the backyard sounds so unreal.  Do you have to pay to have someone catch it for

you or do they do this like an everyday procedure as part of the day?  I am scared for you!

Ha Ha....I love the story of Calamity Jane.  She was born before her time.
Does you community do the landscaping? IF not maybe they wouldn't notice a fence?
There are those in FL who have nothing else to do but wait until someone is in violation of an HOA rule so they can run to the board and complain.  I remember a story about the HOA right after 9/11 that took a homeowner to court over many thousands of dollars in fines they refused to pay because they put up a flag pole in their front yard!
I've tried everything and NOTHING is getting one of my boys.  I've found the Ruger (in the closet) and found the bullets (.22 Remingtons out in the garage) - oooooh good thing we didn't get robbed - would have taken an hour to find all the components for defense.  It the trapper doesn't come in the morning AND the gator does, I'm going to kill it.  Makes me sad but what else can I do?  Our community does the general lawn scaping - I tried and was denied a fence.  Security has to get the trapper here.  I'll give them tomorrow - but it not - I'm going to handle it.

I'm done screwing around.




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