Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

If anyone knows of someone who is looking to have their Goldendoodel or Labradoodle rehomed for whatever reason, please let me know.  Ideally we are looking for a one to two year old.  Thanks.


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On the main page here on DK is a list of Doodles that need rehoming from DRC.  I would suggest you check them out first as It's very unlikely that anyone here is looking to re- home their doodle.  If those situations come up for some rare reason then DRC would be the place they would go to for help as DRC go through a very strict adoption process in order to make sure that the dogs that come to them get placed in their perfect forever home.  There are lots of DKers who foster dogs who need special care before they are adopted.  I am sure you will get some really good advice here from lots of people who know a lot more than me though and I wish you luck in your search for a Doodle.
Actually..Barb of Barb, Murphy, Emmett and Hudson is trying to sell Hudson.  Look in the Labradoodles for sale group and you will see her post.  He is a chocolate labradoodle and is quite gorgeous.
Good advice--right now there are two listed in NY and NJ (I checked to see where you are located on your page) --hurry, they won't last long!
Didn't you just blog that you just adopted a goldendoodle?  Wow, that is pretty quick to be getting another one without even letting the first one settle in and get adjusted to being rehomed.  Wow.

It is a great idea to  get your dog a buddy. However you may want to wait.  Even though you are so excited it may not be in the best interest for you or your new buddy.

May I suggest you have your newly adopted dog for several months before adding another.   The true personality of your new dog will not be fully exposed for a month.  A MONTH.  Some things to consider:

  • Training--does your new dog need some basic training?  Even a well trained dog benefits from additional training. New owners who adopt new dogs and take a training course with them have found that both the owner and the dog form better bonding relationships. Teenage children benefit too.  Include your son.
  • More than one dog has many challenges.  Join us here in the Multiple dog group and read some of our challenges in having more than one dog in the home.
  • What happens if the two do not like each other.  Adding another adult animal to another adult animal is a challenge.  It can be heartbreak if after a few weeks one of the dogs needs rehomed--AGAIN. 
  • Your new dog NEEDS YOU to help him make this adjustment.  It is very TRAUMATIC for the dog to be rehomed. VERY.  He is very sad loosing every thing he has ever known or understood.  The dog actually grieves for some time after this loss. Help him with his grief.  It takes awhile. It is similar to when a human looses someone to a death.  Adding another later is great, but right now he needs your full attention.

I'm drawing a blank as I am working on something else in the background tonight.... hopefully others will join in here.  Some of us have fostered dogs or/and adopted older dogs and understand your excitement in adding another, but think it may be too soon as this new dog will be full of surprises and challenges in the next few weeks. He really needs ALL your love and support right now

Thank you Joanne..that is what I meant to say but somehow "wow" is about all I could get out.
Well stated, Joanne.

Hi Joanne,

Thanks for the tips.  I happen to agree with you and know that Murphy is grieving and that it will take a little time for him to adjust to his new surroundings and loss.  Murphy lived with another dog in his former home and his former owner told me he is very good with other dogs.  The main reason for moving ahead with another dog so soon is that after a week my wife and I will be going back to work and our son has school and we didn't want Murphy to be alone for too long without any companions, especially after his previous separation.  There are pro and cons to both approaches.  In any case, we are trying to be very selective on who we match up with Murphy and it will probably be awhile before we find the right match.  Again, thanks for the cool-headed advice.

Dogs do just fine by themselves.  In fact, many dogs are happiest being an only dog since they get all of their owner's attention.  When you all go back to work/school, just crate Murphy. 


I agree with Joanne.  Use this time for the next year or so to put some focused training on Murphy.  You will be so happy you did.

Hey Larry, are you out there?

Please look at this discussion


This may be a perfect dog for you and ... it is so much closer than Florida.  This dog is in PA

Thanks for the information and keeping me in mind.  I will contact Amanda.

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for reaching out to us.  I sent a reply earlier to you but my message seemed to have gotten  lost somewhere on the doodlekisses website.  I mentioned that I'm really sorry to hear about your situation and know that some men can be real as..h... sometimes.  It sounds like Grayson is a great dog.  We recently homed our dog Murphy from a family in Florida and although he is a little bigger than we originally wanted we are super happy with him.  We know he misses his companion dog in Florida and want to get a companion for him.  From what I read it seems like Grayson might be a little larger than we can handle but my wife and I would like to know a little more anyway.  If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me how much Grayson weighs, whether he gets along with other dogs, barks a lot, has he learned to walk on a leash and what happened to his leg several months ago?  Thanks. Larry.



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