Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This beautiful FL morning's walk with the boys was so extra meaningful today because you see tomorrow is my Thanksgiving.  As we walked it brought back so many memories, fears, and all the reasons that I have to be thankful.  3 years ago today - I was at the Mayo Clinic in MN waiting to have surgery on 10/6, knowing that there was a chance that I might wake up and be paralyzed from the neck down.   Had I been in a bad car wreck, had a tumor on my spinal cord - nope - Calamity Jane in a series of events that by them selves would not have added up to much, came very close to severing my spinal cord.  Dh was living in China and I had been there visiting, while on that long flight home I caught bronchitis, then while trying to carry on our annual tradition of a July 4th party without him, short person that I am, lifted a case of wine out of a shopping cart, blowing out a disc in my neck.  Because I started to cough it took the disc material and shot it straight back into my spinal cord - smashing it.  A trip to our tiny hospital in MI didn't diagnose the problem as they didn't order an MRI - only an x-ray.  For 10 wks I lived in the most excruciating pain imaginable.  Finally diagnosed, I was shown the films that showed my spinal crimped - it was terrifying to look at.  I walked out of the local neurosurgeons office in total shock, told do not sneeze, do not cough, do NOT fall down - you'll paralyze yourself.  I was alone and I made it as far as the hallway outside the office before I broke down in sobs.  After consulting a surgeon in Kalamazoo, after much prayer, we decided to have the surgery done at the Mayo Clinic.  One surgeon there took a look and told me that he couldn't handle it but he knew who could - and that is who gave me back my life.  A total jerk with NO bedside manner but someone who was so experienced that I believed I would walk away.  God put me in the right hands.  I am so thankful!!!!  Do I have every thing in life that I want - no ---  BUT I HAVE EVERY THING THAT I NEED.    It has changed me - I don't dare risk riding a horse or skiing, riding the rides - anything that could result in a severe impact to my neck but I do still (carefully) ride my bike and play golf, I can't lift anything very heavy so there goes some independence which I hate.  I'm afraid of lightening - I have a titanium plate screwed into my neck and don't want my head to get blown off - lol.  Along with a cadaver bone - I will always wonder who that very giving person was that donated their body to medicine and now a part of them lives on in me.  It has taught me compassion for others, tolerance for pain, and reaffirmed my faith that God has my life in his hands.  So tomorrow, while I'm once again walking my boys - I'll be giving Thanks! 


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Oh my gosh Jane.....I have goosebumps just reading this.  Happy Thanksgiving girl!    I'm glad you have had such a remarkable recovery!
Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving story.  I can only imagine your fear and pain - especially with DH living halfway around the world.  So glad you found the right doctor and that the outcome was so positive.  Your personal Thanksgiving is a perfect time for us all to put our own troubles into perspective.  I often need to be reminded to "not sweat the little stuff".
It is really a lesson in being grateful because in a split second - your life can change.  They get to your spinal cord by going in through the front of your throat then out the back - so I have a scar in the crease of my neck.  If someone asks what it is from - I always tell them that I got "shanked" in prison - makes for a better story - lmao!!!!!!
I have a scar there, too (thyroid cancer).  I may have to "borrow" your prison story!!  :) are too funny!  glad you can joke about this now - what a nightmare.  I guess all of that would put a whole different outlook on life.  Happy that you found a great doc even without any bedside manner.  Happy Thanksgiving
Hi Jane. Happy Thanksgiving! You have a lot to be grateful for and it is good to try and remember that.  I "broke" my neck in a diving accident in college (40 yrs ago) and never had to have surgery but have had restrictions and reminders (pain) when I overdo it.  Could have easily been paralyzed.  I try to live in gratitude every day.
Thank you Jane for putting everything into perspective!  Ive been going through some small issues....very small compared to your life saving surgery!  Every once in awhile..I believe God gives us a little nudge to remember the things that are important in life.  So glad you are as healthy as you can be..give those boys a big hug and kiss from Wilson and I.

When something life changing happens, it makes us truly treasure what we do have. The other stuff is just not worth the time or energy it takes to deal with. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

They always say God will never give us more then we can handle. I at times question this, but my problems or shall I say full plate is nothing compared to what you have gone through. I am truly thankful for your Thanksgiving and that I have the opportunity to know you through your posts.:)
Jane, How scary! Glad everything worked out for you. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Jane, You truly do have a thanksgiving to celebrate and as long as you can still lift a glass of wine someone else can lift the case for you.

Oh Donna - this just made me laugh!!!!  I like that "as long as you can still lift a glass of wine someone else can lift the case for you" - so TRUE so very TRUE!!!



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