Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Please don't judge when you read this and know that it is killing me to do it...but I am looking for a new home for my Grayson. 

Tuesday my husband informed me that he was leaving me and our three children.  He has started work two hours away from home (we were trying to sell our house and join him)...he had met someone in the meantime.  He wanted me and the kids to stay here and he was going to go start his new life...

Well, I don't trust him and am afraid to have even more ripped form me, so I am leaving the house.  I am getting a trailer on my mom and stepdad's property.

Right now we live on 7 acres in the country---they live in town and live above their business (a funeral home) and we will be right next door. 

The trailer will hardly be big enough for me and my three kids---it doesn't seem fair to keep him.

I have a good friend in a homeschooling group and she is trying to find a place through them...they are a great group of people and most are int eh area so I could still see him...if not I will try the DRC.

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Oh my goodness, I am so incredibly sorry for you, I know how horrible that is, I experienced that as a child, my dad did the same thing.


I am praying for you and your kids to find healing and for sweet Grayson to find a loving home.  I don't have any advice. I am just so sorry... sorry for you, sorry for the kids, sorry for Grayson. I sincerely hope your husband see's what a horrible thing it is he is doing and turns around.


Lots of Love

I am so sorry for you Amanda.  I wish you strength to get through this and to help your children heal.  I think moving to be near your parents is very wise.  I am sure they will be a great help to you and your children.
Amanda I am so sorry!!! This just sucks in so many ways!!! I'm so glad that your family is so supportive. We will keep you your children and Grayson in our prayers!
Oh NO! Amanda!!!  I am soooo sorry!  I wish you peace!  I'm so glad you have your parents you can turn to.  Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}
Since there are children on this site I really can't say what I would like (on your behalf), so I'll just say that please know I'll be thinking of you.  I am so sorry that Grayson has to be a victim of your husband as well, as I'm sure he would have brought a lot of comfort to you and the kids during this time.  I hope that you are able to find him a wonderful new home.
How awful.  I can't tell you how sad I am for you.  You have to make the right decision for you and your children.  I just hope that you get the support you deserve and need at this time and wish you all the very best.  I hope you keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on and especially that Grayson gets a wonderful home.  I am sure you have thought this through because for your children to have their father leave in this way and also to loose their dog in such a short space of time and also to be uprooted will be very hard for them and of course for your too.

I am soooooooo sorry, at first I thought you were kidding (wish you were).

I wish I lived closer so I could help find Grayson a new home. I will be praying for you.

I am so sorry for you! What a horrible thing! I support you in whatever decision you feel you have to make to that is best for your children. You always have your friends on DK HUGS to all of you and prayers! So sorry!
Amanda, I am sure this is heartbreaking for you and your children. What a blessing that you can live near your mother. There is plenty I could say about your husband and his choices, but this is not the place. Meanwhile, be strong and take care of yourself and your children. It sounds like you have some wonderful people helping you with Grayson. Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers.
Amanda - I realize that your world has turned upside down in the past few days - I am praying for you.  I lived through this myself, as a child when my mother ran away with another man leaving my dad to raise 5 children.  You will need all the strength that you have to help get your beautiful boys through this, being next to your parents will be such a big help!  If you can manage it - getting the boys into counceling might help give them a place to voice their fear and anger.  It is a shame about Grayson - I know you hate to see the boys lose anything more than they already have.  My prayers are with you and your children.
Amanda, I am so sorry to hear this.  You must be totally devastated, and now you have your three boys to worry about and help deal with all this.  I so hope you can find a perfect home for Grayson, and that you can continue to see him occasionally.  Please know you have lots of friends here to support you through this.
This makes me very sad. For all that happened and then the family dog also. I'm sorry you are going through this and I hope it will work out where you can still see him.Thinking of you and your kids.



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