Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Please don't judge when you read this and know that it is killing me to do it...but I am looking for a new home for my Grayson. 

Tuesday my husband informed me that he was leaving me and our three children.  He has started work two hours away from home (we were trying to sell our house and join him)...he had met someone in the meantime.  He wanted me and the kids to stay here and he was going to go start his new life...

Well, I don't trust him and am afraid to have even more ripped form me, so I am leaving the house.  I am getting a trailer on my mom and stepdad's property.

Right now we live on 7 acres in the country---they live in town and live above their business (a funeral home) and we will be right next door. 

The trailer will hardly be big enough for me and my three kids---it doesn't seem fair to keep him.

I have a good friend in a homeschooling group and she is trying to find a place through them...they are a great group of people and most are int eh area so I could still see him...if not I will try the DRC.

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Nicky, no you are not useless. You are right here with us.  I am going to link this post to the man from NJ who was looking to adopt last week

Amanda, I left Larry a message on his page.  You may also want to try and contact him.  He just rescued one doodle and he was looking for another ( even though--I thought to soon, he knows what is best for his family and dog so I will shut-up)

Here is his Call for help to adopt another dog

Amanda, I'm at a complete loss for words. What this man has done to you and your family is pure evil. I wish there was something I could do to help. Please comfort yourself in any way you can in these tough times, remember to do something that brings you comfort or joy each day, relish the little things, and go to bed each night with the self assurance of knowing that you are wonderful, and that one day down the road you will look back on this moment as a major turning point in your life for the better. You are an infinitely better person than he could ever imagine himself to be. This decision will come back to him 10 fold in the future and when it does you will relish evey moment of it. I know it seems hard to believe now, but this is going to make you and your boys stronger. It will lead to new opportunities for growth and happiness. Trust in that, and focus your thoughts every day on working toward building your new life. Only allow yourself short windows of grief each day and then move on, counting your blessings that you have your faimily, your health and your wits about you to get through this. If you can, start with therapy for you and your boys, it will help tremendously. I'm so so sorry this has happened to you, nobody deserves this. That being said, I know I don't know you at all, but I feel hopeful about your future. I hope you do too. :o)

No judgement here about Grayson! It sounds like you really want what is best for him. Keep that in mind and the right situation will come for the both of you. Maybe a family member wants a long term trial of having a dog. IDK, just something to think about.

Good luck to you, the family and Grayson.

I'm so sorry to hear about this..... I really dont know what to say. People can be so selfish and get blind in the moment of what seem to be reality.
Amanda, I don't think anyone is questioning your decisions - only you know what is best for you.  I think others are just proposing caution because sometimes in our need to just be in control  of something, we are a bit hasty in our decision and think a bit differently given a bit more time.  I know Grayson has never done as well with your boys as your other dog, so keeping the pets they have bonded to is most likely the wisest decision.  My caution is just not to let him go to the first offer if it doesn't seem perfect.  We just rehomed my mother's dog (another story) and we had some offers that would not have been in his best interest.  We held out and he is now in the perfect home and we feel very comforted in that.
Peace be with you, your children and pets.  I'm very sorry to hear about your familys' losses.
I am so sorry to read what you are going through! I hurt for you and your boys and will pray for strength as you go through the next several months. Please consider using DRC to re-home Grayson. They will find a perfect home for him! You sound like a wonderful mother and have your priorities in the right place. 
Amanda,  I'm so very sorry to hear you are going through this very difficult time right now.   Please try to stay strong and although you are on a hard road right now know that better times will come.    Many of us have faced challenges that at the time seemed impossible to wade through, somehow the clouds clear and the sun shines again.   Take it one day at a time.   I'll be praying for you.   ((((HUGS))))) Carol
Oh Amanda, I am so sorry!!  Just know that no matter what we here on DK are here to support you.
Amanda, my thoughts are with you and your family. Only you can decide what is best for all of you and I am sure you are doing just that. I hope the future brings peace, healing and new opportunities to you and your family.

Oh Amanda, I am SO SORRY for what you are going through.  My husband did the same thing to me 3 years ago after almost 39 years of marriage.  I was completely devastated!  I don't know how I made it thorough but I did - one day at a time.  Thankfully my children were grown but they were devastated as well.  My grandchildren were really affected by my ex-husbands poor choices and I'm sad to say that my kids and grandkids don't have much to do with him anymore.  

The main thing you have to do is take care of yourself and your kids right now and if Grayson is going to be too much for you in the trailer than do what you have to do.  Unless one has gone through something like this, they don't understand how difficult things can get.  You need to simplify your life as much as possible and focus on doing what you need to do to take care of yourself.  You have so many responsibilities now and you can only do so much.  So don't beat yourself up!  This is hard enough without adding guilt to the mix.

I will be thinking of you and praying God's peace for you and your children.



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