Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I get very defensive when strangers says Chewie's FAT. He's not fat, he's just reeallyy FLUFFY!!

Look what's left of him when he's wet. He's a skinny minnie! In fact, do you think he's TOO SKINNY??

He's 8 months old, is around 48cm (19 inches) tall at the wither and weighs 16.5kg (33 lbs).

Anyone else with doodle about his height? How much do you think he should weigh?

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That's what Zach weighed at that height - he was much younger though - about 15 weeks. I think it is more about muscle. Does he have good muscle mass and enough energy?

Yes, i think he has good muscle mass and LOADS of energy.


Ooops forgot to add - Chewie is soo cute - love the fluff!
Thanks, Cindy :)
He seems perfect to me.  We say exactly the same thing about Ned.

Thanks, Nancy.

Is Ned a Medium-sized doodle? He looks about the same size as Chewie. Is he fully-growned?

Chewie's breeder said Chewie's adult weight's expected to be around 18-20 kg (36-40 lbs).

ha! Sophie's breeder said all the puppies would be 45-60lbs, and Sophie would be on the larger side. I hardly think so!
Our breeder said Kahlua would be 60 - 65 lbs, she weighs in at 95 lbs, vet said she's not overweight.  Guess she had some big genes in her past.

I think Chewie is just adorable.





Skinny Rua, Fluffy Momma


Cute pics, Dori! I love Rua's coat colour.

My Riley is 26 weeks old and weighs 39 lbs and he's 191/2 inches and I think he looks skinny when he's wet.  Everyone thinks he's huge but he's got a three inch covering which makes him look much bigger.
He looks just about perfect to me when he is wet.  The first thing that came to my mind though is OMD she said he was 8 months.  How in the world are you ever going to get him through the coat change with all this "fluff".  I hope that you own a really really good brush and have a good method worked out for brushing, or you are going to end up with a shaved doodle.  It was right 8 months for Lucy when I reached down and felt those first two mats, small though they were, and it was off to the groomers to get trimmed down to a manageable level until we got through the coat change.  Keep an eye out (armpits, collar area, chin, behind the ears, between the toes) . He is very adorable though.



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