Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sometimes when I feed Sadie her breakfast in the morning she isn't immediately interested in it and instead wants to go back out into the yard. For the past few mornings, when she stands at the door wagging her tail to go outside, I point to her food dish and say, "You are not going outside until you eat your breakfast," and she walks over to the dish and starts eating. Does she suddenly understand complete English sentences? (Keep in mind that the rest of her comprehension is still a bit spotty--"leave it," "drop it," and "off" are apparently completely foreign to her at times.) Do any of your doodles respond to sentences/phrases like this?



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Becka, Of course, Sadie is a genius. She has what is called Selective husband has this too. Sometimes, I think Fudge and Vern understand everything I say. If I say something like, "I am going to do this first, and then we will go for a walk." I swear they understand. If I talk about the cat, they know immediately what I am talking about or if I mention the name of their pet sitter out loud they get very excited. Yet, I have the same problem with the come command :)


In my opinion, I don't know if it is the way we say it or our tone or what, but I think dogs understand some of what we say. Sadie sounds cute and smart.

Awww - I agree with Laurie - both my boys have selective hearing.  Come in training gets a good reponse - say come in the dog park and it is like the hearing aid batteries have died - they pretend that they can't hear me!  LOL.  So yes Sadie is that smart - she gets it but would rather you do it her way!!

Jane, I think you need to get one of those hearing aid tuners like Sandy has--you know, the one she keeps in her pocket! :)
yep, defiitely a genious!
Genius!  Beauty and brains.  Sadie is definitely the total package!
Thanks! I think so too!

I'm guessing they key in on specific words we use at certain times.  For example, you've probably said to Sadie "here's your breakfast!" before, so now she knows that "Breakfast" is associated with her food.


Definitely a smart girl for figuring out that you wanted her to eat it right now!



She definitely knows the word "breakfast." I just never realized I could get her to eat on command :)
Haha...Rosco is this way with the words: Eat, food, feed, walk and trip. He can pick them out of sentences quite well!

Totally agree with Laurie.

They can be a genius on their own terms!!! Too funny!

Absolutely. Luca knows many sentences spoken in plain English. Go get a toy. Move over, please. Is so and so outside? etc.

Sadie sounds like a genius to me!  I swear, Sophie can understand what we are saying most of the time...that is, when she wants too!  :)  Doodle geniuses!!!



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