Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Almost every single time I am out with Lucy and Ethel, people will come up and ask if Lucy is a labradoodle or goldendoodle.  Once I tell them she is a goldendoodle, they then ask if Ethel is a poodle.  When I explain that she too is a goldendoodle I get this puzzled look and they say they have never seen a white one.  I then go on to educate them and tell them that they come in any color a poodle would come, brown, apricot, white, cream, dark red...etc. 

I was surprised how many people don't know this.  This conversation takes place at least once a week.  We need to get the word out that goldendoodles are not just golden!


Has anyone else been questioned about their color and breed?

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I can the bet people with black goldendoodles will be chiming in here.  People can wrap their mind around a black labradoodle, because labs are black, but a black goldendoodle?  People are skeptical about that!
One person even asked what the difference was between a labradoodle and a goldendoodle. 
You nailed that BruceGirl ... People always ask me if they are LabraDoodles and I say no they are GoldenDoodles.  Then they say well what is this one and point to Lucy.  When I say that they are LiterMate sisters, the Clueless expression hits their face like how is it possible for a GoldenDoodle to be Black.  So of course I have to explain that their Mother was a Black or actually a Blue Poodle, but I don't even want to have to go into that discussion so I just say Black.  They then act as if they "get it" and then turn around to their friend and say "see I told you they were LabraDoodles" and I just shake my head and walk away.  Again, probably at least once a week for me as well.
Sophia is constantly mistaken for a Portugese Waterdog or a Labradoodle.  Guess the chocolate color throws them off.  Her mom was jet black and her dad a brown and white parti poodle....
When Kona was a puppy and pure black, people asked if he was a PWD also.
I had to laugh when someone asked if my 52 lbs Ethel was a Bichon.  Yeah, on steriods.  HA
It seems that people in general have trouble with the concepts of Labradoodle and Goldendoodle and don't understand all the variations. What I have problems with are people who can't understand how there can be a "mini" Labradoodle! OMD! I don't know how many time I have had to explain that one!
I have to laugh at the look I get when I tell them they come in mini.  How do they do that?  I told them any size a poodle comes in, a goldendoodle can come in.  They leave very confused to say the least.
Me too Ricki!  I love the conversations where I tell people that Murphy is almost 2 years old and Wilson is 19 weeks old (they are almost the same size now)...that they are labradoodles with the same father and different mothers and that Murphy is a mini and wilson is not.  The expressions, comments and questions I get are all kinds of stupid :)
OMG Ronna! I can't even imagine taking that one on!!! It's really tempting to just make up some crazy story to tell people for my own entertainment. Since they don't seem to believe the truth anyhow! Next time maybe I will tell them that Tara was the runt of the litter!! LOL!!
I get asked if Sophie is a labradoodle all the time and she is apricot. The strangest one ... is she an Airedale????
I get asked all the time and my goldendoodle is black and white (phantom).  I say that he looks exactly like his father who is a phantom standard poodle.  The size is also a problem because everyone says they have never seen a poodle that large.  Groucho Too is 30 inches tall and 90 pounds.  There is a lot of variation in doodles.



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