Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When I get on the phone, she is bugging me. Wants to play, barking, and just driving me crazy. My kids did almost the same thing, except they didn't bark.

She just has me, but she is fine the rest of the day, it's just phone time.

Anyone else have the problem?  DD's doodle finds something to chew when she is on the phone.




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soundsl like my young daughter used to do!  lol.  tell her to leave u alone!
There was a time, way back when, if I wanted to have a phone converstion I would have to put Quincy in his crate. Thankfully those days are long gone.
That should be conversation, it's been a long day!
LOL Gavin would go ring the bell at the back door to go out (can't say no to that) as soon as I got on the corded phone in the kitchen.  My mom says its payback for when my brother and I would act up while she was on the phone all those years ago!
Yes.  If I am on the phone Camus suddenly wants attention, but he is not as bratty about it as Einstein was.
I have one of those!!
Daisy could'nt care less....she also walks in the office to see what I am doing, If I am on DK she looks at me as if I am hopeless and leaves the room. LOL
Wo sounds jealous? LOL! Myla just wants to lick the phone!
Ruby does this sometimes. They are a smart breed!!
This type of pushy behavior is about the dog demanding attention on its own terms.  It really should be nipped in the bud.  If the dog starts the behavior, give the LEAVE IT or THAT WILL DO command (whatever you use to tell your dog to stop), if the dog doesn't stop, then either crate the dog or put it in a DOWN STAY until you are finished.

Sometimes Huff starts barking when we are on the phone, but leaves us alone when we are on the phone a lot of the time.



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