Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
As the holidays get closer, I always get pumped up for one of my favorite games. The Santa hat game! My mom and dad introduced me to this game the first Christmas I ever had, and I love it, it's really fun.
Here is how it works: My mom and dad try to get a Santa hat perfectly posed on my head, with me facing forward, looking at the camera. I try to avoid this at all possible costs.
Because of my incredible skills, they always form a team to make things more fair for them. My mom sits ready at the camera while my dad forces the hat onto my head. My mom also has cheese, attempting to distract me (I'm not going to lie, it does work) while she takes the photo. I then have to wait until my dad moves his hand, then whip my head around as quickly as possible, preventing them from snapping the winning picture.
It is great fun! Don't tell them I said this, but they are both kind of poor sports. I'm not mad when they win... but they are always mad when I do. Human shortcoming I guess. The first time they tried this I was beaten pretty quickly, I just didn't have the experience I do now. Because I know how disappointing it is to be beaten right out of the gate, I've decided to share tips with you fellow doods who may play this game.
Since that first game I've had a lot of chances to improve. We do practices every month or so, with bandanas, Halloween costumes, flower headbands, etc. I usually fly through these challenges with flying colors but the real challenge is the actual Santa hat event. This year my mom had a new camera, which she told me was much faster than her old one. I was worried but I accepted the challenge.
My greatest disadvantage was the fact that she could shoot so many photos, so close together. I had a few strategies to combat this.
First off, immediately tilt your head downwards. It will at least cover your eyes, if not remove the hat completely.
If that isn't working, make an nasty face or stick out your tongue. It will buy you time. I was lucky this time, my ugly faces flustered my mom into putting her camera on the wrong settings.
Make your face look normal, but make sure the hat is covering half of it. This is a wonderful mind game that distracts them with their own anger.
At this point it goes one of two ways. First, your humans laugh and congratulate you, giving you the cheese or whatever treat was distracting you. Second, they get really mad, throw a fit, and you have to pose nicely and LET them win. To end the pitiful whining.
But you don't have to be happy about it.
So, have you played this game with your humans? Who usually wins? Do you have any tips? Share photos here! - Darwin
Hattie....I think we're in love with you.....
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