Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay, so our puppy has been pretty decent with going to the bathroom outside, but today, he started peeing inside about every 10 minutes! We would take him out, he would go, and he would come back in and pee like 10 minutes later. Suggestions?

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Perhaps he has a UTI.

Does he ever go in a crate or ex pen in the house. I would start from scratch, if you have a crate next time you take him out, and he does not go bring him in put him in the crate, and then take him out again in like half hour to 45 min. reset the pee clock lol



UTI/Vet check, that seems excessive.

My Oliver did the same thing... is he drinking lots of water?  Just remember what goes in must come out !!!  When I was training my doodles I would limit water, I would let them drink as much as the wanted then after that outside  every 10-15 minutes but I would pick up the water then a hour or so later I would put down the water let them drink then in a bit take them out.  Oliver did OK but he would pee outside and then come inside and like 10 minutes he would pee AGAIN.  I would immediately take him out.  Sasha had her accidents as well but it is all part of the puppy thing !!!!  In the evening I would pick up the water at about 9 and take them out for the last time about 10:30 -11 so they could empty their tank and be good for the evening.

it does sound like UTI or some infection if it just started and is every few minutes


Lily started doing this and I took her in and she has urine crystals.  Ten days of medication and she was all better.  Actually she was better in a day after starting the meds.  I would bring in some urine that they could test for you at the vet.  This is what they told me to do with her.

I think a UTI is unlikely with a male.  Although not unheard of, it isn't common as far as I know.  One thing I learned when potty training Cocoa is that puppies often have to pee twice to completely empty their bladders.  I would keep him outside until he pees twice.  The other possibility is that he starting to "mark" his territory.  Is he neutered?

My puppy did this and nothing was wrong...he was just a frequent pee-er.  Especially after drinking a lot.  However, it is worth taking a urine sample to the vet for analysis

Zoe is 13 weeks old and a couple of weeks ago she did this too.  It scared me but I think it was because she drank A LOT of water and also because she could smell the urine smell.  Once she peed inside, my husband would take her out while I cleaned...She would come back in before I was done cleaning so she probably could smell it.  This went on for four times repeatedly.  It was so weird.  But once we got everything cleaned etc. she stopped.  She's never done this again.



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