Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away, I thought it would be fun to start a post where we could share the things about our Doodles that make us thankful.  I'll start, but please share with us what you're most thankful for.

  • I'm VERY thankful that my Doodles make me get out and get some good exercise....I know I wouldn't do it otherwise.
  • I'm thankful that my boys love me unconditionally.

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I'm thankful that my doodles are happy and healty.


I'm thankfull that I have a great job that I can aford to care for two doodles and give at least two dogs a good, loving home :)

I'm thankful because no matter how bad a day I might have been having they greet me at the door with tails wagging. Cheers me up instantly.

I am thankful for my doodle because...he fills my empty nest, brings us many many smiles and laughs, gives me something to look forward to after a long day at work, loves to cuddle in the morning and keeps my feet warm on the weekends!





I am thankful for my Doodle because......she always
makes me feel loved and welcome when I
come in the door from a long days work :)
<3 U Gigi

I am thankful for his good company!

I am thankful that he always puts me in a good mood the minute I get home from a bad day.

I am thankful that he makes me laugh.

I am thankful he can not go away to college.

I am thankful he can't move away to Michigan to be with his girlfriend!

I sooo agree!

In addition to all the obvious things, I am thankful that my girls have given me a passion in my life which has allowed me to brighten the days of many people in the area nursing homes, hospitals and the Veteran's Home.  I know without them I would not have undertaken these opportunities.   This has brought so many wonderful people into our lives and most importantly shows me just exactly how precious all the things I have in my life to be thankful for really are.

I'm thankful for his quite, steady, comforting companionship - which gives me an incredible sense of well being.

I'm thankful for his zanny, zoomie, exuberant, playful ways - which makes me feel forever young.

Carol took the words right out of my mouth. Not really, but I love this post :)

Wow--these are great and include all that i was thinking about my three doodles--so I say ditto!

But also they have brightened my whole existence and have brought me to a whole new career that allowed me to go from "teacher lady" to "puppy lady"! Since getting Mattie and Lyric just a few years ago and retiring from teaching, I now have a small business grooming doodles and raising puppies--and Lyric gave me my puppy Rio! So, I have a lot to thank them for and I try to show my appreciation every day. 

The things for which I am grateful to my doodles are too numerous to count but simply put, they make me happy most of the time.

I am thankful for JD because he helps me enjoy the seasons. I also would not be out there walking every day, and would have missed all the beautiful flowers and trees going through their seasonal changes. I even love winter now, because it's JD's best season!

I am thankful for JD because of all the friends he has brought me here on DK, who I would not know if I hadn't adopted a doodle!

I am thankful for JD because it's impossible for me to look at him and not feel happy.



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