Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My sister just told me the weirdest story.  Her cat has something low in her blood counts and after many tests including a veteranarian pathologist all they could come up with for this was to ask my sister "are you on Hormone replacement therapy?"  She is not ...but told me that women who are on HRT can cause problems with their pets health!  Now take it from sister is a bit weird but I almost fell over when she said this to me.  Can this be true?  I have heard that if women work together in one office that there menstrual cycles all become the same...but this sounds really strange to me.  Has anyone ever heard of this phenonemum?

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This only applies to women who are using topical creams for hormone replacement. The pets lick it off the owner's skin, or the cream gets on the pet's skin from the owner touching it. If the pet comes into contact with the cream, there can be problems, because this type of hormone is absorbed through the skin.

However, if the hormone replacement is in the form of pills, or anything taken internally, there is no effect on the pets.


If the HRT is the patch type it can have an effect on animals. Dependent on where the patch is worn and how "kissy" the pet. There have been several posts on a breeders' forum concerning this. Same is true for Estrogen containing topical creams.

Just read the article...I am not on HRT although some days i think I could use it!  Neither is my sister...but the vet did ask this question as her cat has an issue with her white count being low...I think platelets too.  It does say in the article that long term exposure to HRT creams..gells...patches can affect a cats bone marrow. Very interesting.  Thanks guys.  Apparently the vet is perplexed about this problem...but the cats blood test results have been the same since 2009 and after hundreds of dollars in tests...he told my sister"I guess this is just the way your cats blood is".  All during this time the cat has been perfectly healthy btw. 


Hi Karen,  I use a hormone patch so I read the article and from what I read as long as Camus has no direct contact with the patch there is no risk.  Just to be sure, is this your understanding? 

Yes, and I would even venture to say that as long as he doesn't chew the patch or get it in his mouth, there's no risk. But avoiding all contact with it is probably safest.

Thank you...

never a dull moment on DK.


Ha HA!!!

!?  I guess... after all it is Hormone, right?



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