Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Zach is getting neutered today, joining the ranks of the peter pan dogs. Zoey and Gracie are very thankful - the best thanksgiving present I could have given them!!!
It has been almost 7 years since Bruno's surgery so my memory is dim. Those of you who have been through this before - did you need a cone? My vet leaves it up to owner's discretion. I am going to get him enough pain meds for 36 hours should he need it, and I will be home with him across the holiday w/e for all but a few hours on Thanksgiving.
Zach has not been much of a licker or paid much attention to his personal hygiene in this area, so I don't think that I need to keep him away from himself because of his routine behaviors, but I don't know how much the surgery will draw his attention to himself.
Thanks for your thoughts?
THANKS everyone for your thoughts and experiences. Zach is home and in the XPen to keep him away from the frenchies.. A bit glazed looking and I suspect that he will fall asleep once he settles. As soon as he saw me he jumped up, so I can see that keeping him from jumping is going to be the usual problem. No cone. He woke up quickly after the surgery and the vet said that he showed no interest in the incision area. RIght now he is fretting about his IV bandage. I was going to take it off, but I think I will leave it on and let him focus on it for while.
Cindy, I have gone through this twice with two goldendoodles (R.I.P. Tahoe) and did not need the "cone-of-shame" with either one. Both of my guys were pretty "loopy" for the first 24 hours and then back to their normal selves over the next 24 hours. Tahoe was neutered at 11 months and Knox at 7 months. Really, it was a non-event for both. Good luck!!
Ruby was spayed 2 weeks ago. We put the cone on her when she tried to lick but she was so unhappy with it on that it didn't last long. She quickly learned, however; that when she tried to lick, the cone went on and she pretty much left herself alone. The hardest part was keeping her from running, jumping and playing rough! Good luck!
In my experience, males heal faster and have less discomfort than females. Jackdoodle was neutered at 14 months old, and had no problems at all. No cone needed
I bought one of those Kong tube collar. He wanted to lick when Ibrought him home but then gave him his meds. and he went to sleep. The next day he really did not bother with it too much so I brought back the tube. Each dog is different, I am glad Ollie did not bother with it too much. Good luck to you and Zach... I hope he has a speedy recovery.
We had the cone for both girls but they are lickers anyway. We had to have it on them when they were alone or couldn't be supervised. We took it off and watched whenever we could. Good luck! Happy Thanksgiving
Bodi had his surgery at age 2 and started removing his stitches BEFORE we picked him up after surgery! He had to have the cone on unless we were in the room with him WATCHING every second. All dogs are different - I hope he doesn't need the cone!
Teddy had to have a cone because he tried licking his incision whenever it was off. He had to wear the cone when we weren't watching him. Unfortunately, he tried to pull off the plastic cone and got it stuck in his mouth half on and half off his head! Luckily my husband came home and got it off him and went to the pet store to buy an inflatable thing that he wore until it was safe to let him lick. I hope Zach recovers quickly! Teddy was back to normal the next day :)
Thanks for asking this, Cindy ... Lachlan goes in just before Christmas for his and I was wondering the same. Glad Zach's home and doing well!
Jen, I hope all this helps Lachlan. I really like getting everyone's ideas. I just hate buying and putting him in that cone if it is not necessary, and I could see Zach doing something like Heather's Teddy!! Zach is not the picture of grace!!
Laughing out loud here, Cindy ... and nodding. Lachlan's at that stage I call "all legs no brain", no clue where his head and feet are at any given moment. I'm with you on the cone, though. Pretty sure I hate those things MORE than the critters do and really don't want to inflict it on him if it's not necessary.
Glad that Zach is doing so well! Yes, I remember the jumping problem! Tara jumped up on our bed for the FIRST time the day after her surgery!!! OMD!!! She had never even tried it before!!! Keep an eye on him...these doodles are tricky!!
Cindy I forgot to mention that Tara did not require a cone either. She didn't even seem to notice her incision! I was really glad about that because I consider those cones (at least the hard ones) to be instruments of torture-for the dog and for anyone walking past the dog! Hope Zach can do without one too!
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