Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Larger Litters ~ Do they affect the length of time a puppy reaches full size?

Good Morning Everyone! 


I am a new Goldendoodle owner (Dexter is now 11 weeks old, 13lbs 6oz) and am a little curious as to how large he'll end up being.  I love big dogs & wouldn't mind if he hit 80lbs but I'm also only 5 feet tall so if he only ends up being 50-60 lbs that's fine too!  


The breeder thinks he and his littermates will end up being around the 60lb range although the vet feels he'll be larger based on paw size (which I know is not always the best indicator).  From what I've seen on the internet, he's a bit lighter than many other Standard Doodles his age but.....he was from a litter of 12 and I'm wondering if this might not cause him to take a little more time to catch up since 12 puppies can only grow so large while they are in their mom!


Any advice you might have would be greatly appreciated!


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How exciting is the not knowing??? He's adorable 60 or 80 lbs of uncondtional love-I'd take it!

It really is, I take him to PetSmart every Sunday which is his "weekly" birthday and put him on the scale because I love seeing how much he's grown ;)

First of all--he is SO beautiful!!! I have raised three litters and have learned that early weight is not a good indicator. The pup I kept from my dog's first litter was the smallest and is now the tallest--I think the best way to tell is to look at the parents and see what the inheritance is. Most pups end up between the two parents in size but not always. I think my Rio was about 10 pounds at 11 weeks and weighed 20 pounds at 16 weeks--now he is about 36 pounds at 11 months and has yet to "fill in" so I am guessing he will be 40-42 pounds --so he is following the 16 week rule so far. His mom is 48 pounds and dad is 38 pounds, so he is right in between. But he has a smaller brother who was the largest of the litter by far--you just have to wait a bit!

Thank you!  I'm sure you have your hands full with your three doodles but I love the assortment of colors!

Dexter is just darling.



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