Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well it's that time of year to be picking out a tree and start the decorating process. However this time last year, Bella was 5 months old and in an ex-pen and DH was home all day to supervise when she wasn't. So being as she is 60 pds and will climb, hop or knock down any barrier to get to her desired treasure, what solutions have those of you with Bella type dogs done to protect your tree? We always get a real one, and one that stands at least 9-10 feet tall, so there's also the fear of it falling on her too.

The area is too big to pen, and open to other rooms in the house. Maybe a gallon of Bitter Lemon???


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Not bad considering the cost of a tree, priceless 30+ yr old childrens' handmade ornaments, and then a possible emergency Vet bill.  If you get time to send the link, would you mind? If not I'll search their site.


Teddy just turned one and I wasn't sure how he would handle the tree. He doesn't jump or run too much in the house, so I wasn't afraid he would knock it over, but I was afraid he would pull off the ornaments and try to chew on them. We put up a 7 foot fake tree on Sunday. I made sure all the glass and delicate ornaments are up high out of Teddy's reach. Amazingly, he's been great with the tree. I caught him licking the ornaments a couple of times, but mostly he stays away from it. He doesn't try to chew on the tree, but I bet he would if it was real - he loves to chew on sticks and pine cones. I am wondering how he will handle the presents, because he likes chewing paper, so I may have to put them up on a table. Teddy stays in the kitchen during the day so he is not alone in the house with the tree.

Oh gosh Heather. I forgot about Bella's love of sticks and green plants! Oh dear. This might be harder than I thought. We have to stop her from pulling at the hedges and our trailing rose bushes all the time. Yes, the boxes will be a challenge as well. I will look into the Xpen suggested, as we just have to have a tree and it be safe too.

I have a skinny country tree in my dinning room that I keep up all year and decorate for seasons. I did have trouble with Sophie stealing some of the paper decorations and she also discovered there are tiny pine cones on it that I catch her chewing on once in awhile.  I have a terrible time with her eating my rose bushes.... even the prickers are on them.... I don't know how it doesn't hurt her mouth..

Sue, the playyard came today and I am very pleased with the size. I won't need 2 of the gates. I took a quick pic of it around a pack n play to show the width.

Ok I am doing something wrong with adding pics.  I don't understand why they are huge. I used my phone. hmmm

Click on the icon that looks like a blue photograph above the box in which you type your message (instead of adding an attachment).  That will put the photo RIGHT into the box where you have typed.

I can see it good though. It looks like it should work good. We are going to get our tree tonight or this weekend and I am starting with a LOT of training and treats and putting ornaments up high. DH is rigging some rope criss crossed across an opening and we know that will only slow her down, but not stop her if she really wants to get in.

She will have to be closed into a bedroom if we go out until we are sure. But with Bella Bee, we are never SURE of anything. Other than she is CRAZY!

Thank you for the pix. That sure came fast too.

Tree going up tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck!!!

tell us how it went! I'm doing mine tomorrow. I have two doodles and kitty to worry about. I really hope I won't have to crate Sophie for the rest of the month while I'm out...

Hi Sherri, how is everyone at your house? Healthy? I hope. I was just going to post this so good timing. Our tree has been up for 2 days now and Bella totally ignores it. Ornaments and all. She sniffed around it a lot when we brought it in, we let her get near it and then just told her to "Get back", and she hasn't come within 3 feet of it since. She has had free access to it, and we can see and hear her everytime she goes into that room and there hasn't been an issue.

I'm pleasantly surprised, however I will still close her in a bedroom when we go out to dinner later. It's one thing when we're home, but alone I still don;t trust her.

Good luck. I don't know that I did anything to prevent her from bothering it so I don't have any advice for anyone.



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