Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

By rights, this should go in the Health and Medical Issues Group, if anywhere. I hate posting a discussion in the general forum about sicknesses and problems, and I'm not looking for advice, but the response to my posts in the Food Group, the PMs and requests for updates from our friends here on DK has been so overwhelming, I thought I would just do it this way. Blog approval takes too long, and I'm really exhausted both physically and mentally. If there is one good thing that has come out of JD's illness, it's that I am blown away by the genuine caring and concern that our friends here have for him. Moved to tears, in fact.

Anyway, in a nutshell, JD has been ill for almost three weeks now. Started with lack of appetite, progressed to his not being able to keep his food down after his appetite returned. No fever, no diarrhea, no behavioral changes.

He does not ever, ever eat anything he shouldn't, and he is never unsupervised for one minute.

Food is not moving normally through his digestive tract, regardless of what kind, including homecooked and dehydrated raw. The food comes back up looking pretty much the way it did when it went in, even after more than 4 hours. No retching or heaving, either. Drinking water can set it off. He can hold down plain cooked poultry or beef with rice as long as he gets very small amounts at a time. THIS IS NOT A FOOD ISSUE.

He has lost over 5% of his body weight in the past two weeks.

He is not (and has never been) lethargic, his behavior is normal, he wants to play, and his appetite is ravenous.

We've been to the vet 4 times in the past two weeks, costs are past $1800. Numerous X-rays have been done, full blood chemistry panels, stool specimens, an ultrasound, and now a barium swallow. The latter is the only thing that showed anything, and the Xrays have been sent out to the radiologist for opinions on what it might be and whether an endoscopy is next on the list.  

We have ruled out pancreatitis, parasites, infections or viruses, liver issues, kidney issues, any kind of obstruction or blockage, and (ThankYouGod) megaesophagus.  

It does appear that the problem is with the upper part of the GI tract, probably esophageal, and the food is not moving through the digestive tract as rapidly as it should, again regardless of what kind or form we try. 

(The Xrays also showed that JD has osteoarthritis in his lower lumbar spine. This of course has nothing to do with the digestive issues, it's just more unhappy news I didn't need right now.)

JD is on three different meds now to help him keep the food down and prevent further irritation, and is to be fed 1 cup of cooked meat/chicken and rice 4x/day, while we wait for more answers.

Anyway, that's where we're at right now. Again, this is just an update to our friends who have expressed concern, we are doing everything we can. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank every single person who has asked about him, both privately and publicly, because it's honestly what's helping us get through this. Hugs to you all.




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So the pharmacy does have a liquid version of the drug available, but it is name-brand only (no generic) and the price is heart-stopping. I guess I'll keep trying to mix it for now.

Why I love--not--pharmaceutical Cos. Maybe it would be a tad easier if you open all the capsules for the day at one time and put them in a clean baby food jar. Then using a syringe like device you can squirt the required amt. in the back of JD's throat

They're big horse tablets, not capsules.

We did ask about crushing all of them with the required one tablespoon of water for each in a medicine bottle, but it won't work because the stuff really doesn't blend together, it stays separate no matter how much you stir, shake, etc., and he wouldn't get an even amount of the medication in each dose.  I'm wondering if I couldn't mix the broken tablet and the required H20 into a small amount of baby food, if that would have the same desired "coating" action. Although how one tablespoon of stuff is coating anything to begin with is a mystery to me.

From what I've been reading you are not alone in troubles with this. But it is recommended not to give anything other that water with it. I suppose when it mixes with water and body fluids and with the action of the GI tract muscles, a little can go a long way in the coating department since it's given on n empty stomach.

Thanks for the info, F. At least I know now it isn't me, lol!

Good Morning JD and Mommy. Murphy and Bella have been worried about you two all night and kept coming up to me and starring me in the face as tho to ask "Have you heard anything yet about our doodle brother from another mother JD?" I had to reassure them with pets and hugs all night!  Please have some good news for my two worried doods???

Everything went well during the night, and he was anxious for his first meal of the day, which he had about a half hour ago.

Hope all goes well today!

Thanks, Anna.

Sounds good.

Rua and I will keep JD and you in our prayers.

Thanks, Dori!



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