Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Fudge and Vern Saved Their Pennies and Did a Great Job of Gift Giving This Christmas!

This year under our tree there were several gifts given out from Fudge and Vern. How many other members wrap up gifts from their dogs? Hopefully, it is not just me!  Anyway, they gave photo blankets and I think they turned out great.  My oldest daughter and her husband each got one, but we forgot to take pictures of them before they returned to Oregon. Here are the other three:

My husband got one that said, "Daddy Is Our Favorite," because my kids have told me this for years. They know I am competitive, even about being the better parent, and this is their little way of bursting my bubble. No matter, I know I win, but sometimes I play along, as I did with this blanket.

My youngest daughter's blanket says, "Hayley's Blanket! Hands Off!!" because we are not only competitive in this family, we don't share well either.  Being fair-minded, I tried to include as many pictures of her father as I did her mother (wink, wink) and pictures of all of our pets we have had. She just told me recently, I forgot our dog, Honey, so I guess Santa will have to do a re-do at some point.

My mom got a blanket too and it reads, "Fudge and Vern say, "Snuggle up with us, Grandma!" I was shocked at how much my mom liked this blanket, because right before Christmas she had told me a friend wanted to make her a quilt and she did not need another blanket.  I'd already ordered the blanket at that point, so fully expected her to open it and throw it back.  Instead, she can't wait to show her bridge club and thought she would use it as a bedspread. Please notice there are several pictures of her letting Vern know he cannot have her chair, but also a couple where Vern proves victorious in the end.  Persistency does pay off sometimes for Mr. Vern. Both daughters noted that their was only one picture of them and many more of Fudge and Vern, but I explained that the gift was from the dogs and paid for with their allowance.

The blankets were done through the Walmart Photo online store and you select your thirty or less pictures and the computer randomly shuffles and sorts them. You don't have the option of selecting where you want the pictures to go, but you can continue to shuffle the pictures until you get the look you want. I had a lot of fun making them! I just wish Fudge and Vern had thought to put one under the tree for me.

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Ha! No offense but no.

lol it's okay...I am used to weird/junky gifts this year! I had the worst luck in both family "grab bags"...first one I ended up with like 6 losing lottery scratch not even $1 so really I ended up spending the $25 and not getting anything in return! The other one I ended up with a pine cone shaped candle and a weird coffee gift set and I don't even drink coffee! So again, spent $30 on my gift and got nothing in return! I don't know why people buy some of the things they do! Next year, I should just re-gift the weird stuff I got this year and gift my "thoughtful" gift brain a break lol

These are adorable.... I see a few of these in my future.... :)

Thanks,  Christine!

Ned and Clancy gave personalized travel coffee mugs  this year.

Nancy, Those cups are great. I need to get one for my DH.



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