Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So tonight we FINALLY took the Christmas tree down (I used the "we" loosely as I did 99% of the work) and then of course I had to vacuum all the needles that were behind the tree where I couldn't reach before. So I am using our vacuum and there were SOOOOO many needles from when we moved the tree that the stupid vacuum got clogged and wouldn't suck up anymore, prolonging the process! Well Parker doesn't like vacuums so he is huddled on the couch where DF (dear fiance) is sitting and watching football (not helping me!) and then when I had to borrow a neighbor's vacuum there were two vacuums in the house and I could see Parker getting more anxious...he was trembling....but what am I going to do???? I needed to clean....especially since he is a SHEDDING doodle! So he runs to the door to try and get away from the vacuums and runs into the clogged vacuum and I told DF to take him outside so I could finish without him freaking he says "yah yah" and stands up like he's going to do something and then just stares at the tv while I am still trying to vacuum up the hair and trail of needles! So OF COURSE this was the last straw for Parker and he peed a FLOOD alllllll over my hallway floor, all over the 4 HUGE puddles of pee! So now on top of cleaning with the vacuum I had to clean up two gallon's worth of pee!
We don't have a yard so it isn't like I can send him outside when I need to vacuum...this is ridiculous! Everytime I vacuum, I should expect to sop and mop up pee as well???? He didn't used to be bothered by the vacuum and now all of a sudden it scares the pee out of him! I am ready to kick them BOTH out and change the locks so I can get some peace and don't need to smell pee and hear football on the tv anymore!
UGH! (sorry...had to vent to someone before I scream!)
I think this is a great approach....or give Parker a treat filled Kong when you vacuum. He should start to think of it as a "good thing" if every time you use it, there's something good that happens for him. As for your DF, IMO there is no hope. My DH watched a total of nine hours of games yesterday between football and basketball. I have up a long time ago on thinking that would ever change. We do have our little "deals" though. He gets 9 hours of Sports on a Saturday (and I'm sure there are plenty more games today), but he helps me with lots of other things during the "sports down times". Good luck with that!
Awww poor Parker and Katie :( Sasha has a fear of the vacuum but only stays far away with her ears down and just watches it does not get too close.
Poor Parker. Maybe once you get your machine working you could try turning it on and at the same time sit with Parker giving him a really yummy treat then turn the machine off. Do this over and over so that he'll associate the vacuum with something really good. I remember when we first got Banjo I would put him in his crate with a peanut butter Kong everytime I vac'd. He's never been afraid of it....and has even let me vacuum him....although he really doesn't like that.....I don't do it anymore as he goes to groomer for cuts now. He just steers clear when I'm vacuuming now. Good luck with sweet Parker!
Phoebe used to be afraid of the vacuum cleaner as well and, since I vacuum every single day, it was a real issue for me. One day, I just stopped vacuuming and let her bark at the machine for a solid ten minutes and then she promptly walked away and has never had a problem again. I actually think she felt she 'told it off' and then all was good!
Katie-I took the ornaments off our tree 2 WEEKS ago! We ahve a long gate in front of the tree in the hall to keep the dogs away from it. So not only do I have a naked tree but a big ugly gate to stare at right in front of the door. Good thing we have 2 doors and a fake tree or it may be dried out and dead by the time it leaves this house! I had to take matters into my own hands and lugged the tree out of the attic myself-let me say it wasn't pretty and DH would have stroked out if he saw how much trouble I had gettign it downstairs but I did so I could decorate it BEFORE Christmas lol! If he thnks it's going up the same way it came down he's very wrong and it might stay here until next Christmas!! So I'm glad you were able to get the tree out!! I would try an extra special treat when the vac is out and look into the clicker training. I think it would be great if one walked Parker while the other used the vac, kill 2 birds with one stone??? I hope he wasn't watching our Packers get creamed because that game lost my interest after the first 5 missed passes it wasn't that interesting, maybe he was faking??? Sorry!!!
Katie, sounds like you had a crappy time. I live in an apartment too, and when I vacuum I put Winston in the bedroom, and when it's time to vacuum the bedroom I turn it off, and then tell him to go in the living room, then close the bedroom door and get to work.
As far as the DF is concerned, I feel for you. This is exactly why I refuse to date sports fenatics. ugh!
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