Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


I received my WTD cap and my "For the love of Doodles" hoodie. I am sportin my new gear as I am walking Amante at th outdoor mall! We sit at the doggie cafe to have Me- my Latte and Amante- his Doggie Bagel. I notice these older ladies looking at us and doing that gossip thing that old bitties do. I am assuming they are trying to figure out what kind of dog Amante is. Proud as  can be I smile back and tell Amante that he has to stop being a flirt. ( he is a "lover" and very handsome). Suddenly the attack is on. OB #1 ( Old Bitty)ask me if I think it is appropriate that I wear a baseball cap with such an obscene comment on it. I reply "what is obscene and offensive about it."  OB#2 replies that the problem with that generation is that we  are not educated enough to understand what things mean when we buy them, and then just wear them anyway. In our day we would not use such vocabulary and certainly not advertise that we use them .

I am staring at them and thinking why do these people always find me! I was just sittin here with my dude enjoying a coffee and a bagel minding my own business.

I take a deep breath and say " ladies I think you may be confused, My cap does not say "What the f *& K", but "What the Doodle!", My dog is a GD and I belong to a doodle club. " There is silence... I smile trying to be respectful as my mother taught me. Suddenly OB #1 replies" these young people all they do is text and talk on their computers is it not a wonder the world is falling apart!! No one can just talk any more". As I  look in amazement at my doodle, He is looking at the ground and I am sure he is shaking his head side to side. I am laughing so hard the OB's say to me that I am rude and just walk away!! 


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WTD?  They just don't get it.... I'm going to have to check out the DK apparel....

Wear it with pride!!!  

Just ignore these people. Joanne invented WTD, What The Doodle. I asked Adina to make it part of our acronyms and we should not let rude, ignorant old biddies, being an informed old biddy myself, to deter bother us.

BTW, here is a blurb on the origin of "old biddy"

"Biddy" is actually a very interesting word because it has two separate origins, both fairly well-documented, which is unusual for a slang term. The primary meaning of "biddy" is "chicken," and it first appeared in the early 17th century. The word probably came from the nonsense syllables used to call chickens -- something like "here biddybiddybiddy," I suppose. By the late 18th century "biddy" had been adopted as a derogatory slang term for women, much in the same unfortunate way that "chick" was in the 1960's.

However, "biddy" in this sense might have died a welcome death had it not been for the influx of Irish immigrants into the U.S. in the early 19th century. Young Irish women often had their passage paid by upper-class American families, for whom they would then work as domestic servants while they paid off their debt. The practice was so widespread that such women came to be known as "Biddies," from a shortening of "Bridget," a common Irish women's name. This use of "biddie" reinvigorated the word, and ever since it has been employed by insolent children to torment their elders."

I love WTD! We use that expression all the time. Especially me when I might be thinking of other words instead!!!


Yeah, the OB's should be happy we are using WTD!  Some of us have actually cleaned up our language because of it!


I seriously don't use the WTF ever anymore, if I am really super mad I say "WHAT THE DOOD????"

Thanks for the info. I was not aware of the origin. I always say that Being a old biddy is a lifestyle! It has nothing to do with age.

All these old terms are in vogue. Now it's fashionable to be a cone and people have ceremonies for becoming one!

The completely sad part of this incident is that had it been someone wearing a "WTF" hat, and someone other than a wonderful person such as yourself that they confronted, in this day an age a confrontation such as they created could have gotten them killed!  And I also might add that did they forget that two wrongs don't make a right!  Their behavior and rudeness were just as terrible as what they were wrongly accusing you of. 

I would think the same thing, except they really thought that was what is said. I was having a good day so I was very respectful and patient. But when I looked at Amante and he was moving his head I lost it! I think he was thinking "why do these people find us", too!!

Did they finally understand after you explained it or did they just stick to their presumption?

Michael who knows by the time they walked away I was hysterically laughing at my Dude!



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