This subject came up yesterday in a discussion, and I thought it would be worthwhile to post it here, since we have many 1st time dog owners who may not be aware of this. Please make sure that you do not have any antifreeze which has leaked or dripped on your garage floor, driveway, or any other area where your doodles may come into contact with it. Antifreeze is extremely toxic to dogs & cats, and even a few drops can kill them within a matter of hours. It has a very pleasant, sweet taste to dogs, and they will definitely lap it up if they can. If you walk your dog at night, do not allow them to stop & sniff ANYTHING on driveways or other areas where a car may have been parked and leaked antifreeze. (Many people are not making needed repairs to their cars due to this economy, and these leaks are fairly common.) I am especially worried about this when Jack & I walk in the dark, as I cannot see whatever is on the pavement, and it only takes a second for them to ingest something. Here is a link for more information:
I know that there are pet-friendly ice-melt products that YOU can use on your own property, but I don't think there's much we can do about other people's property... although I don't think the standard products people use to melt ice are as attractive or dangerous to dogs as the antifreeze is, this is another good reason to pay close attention when out walking, especially at night.
Antifreaze can also be in the base of basketball hoops - that is what is in ours. We got ours before we had the dogs. Every so often I check to make sure it is securely sealed and not leaking.
FYI- Anti freeze is also found in rain puddles and melting not allow your dogs to drink from puddles!....The toxic chemicals in anti freeze cause almost INSTANTANEOUS RENAL ( kidney) and LIVER FAILURE! Dogs will die within hours of ingesting it and there is absolutely nothing that can remedy it!..In rare cases death can be averted with stomach pumping and itravenous fluids but those that survive it need dialysis for the rest of their lives which are cut short by years...