Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
This is a question regarding human allergy.
I have had allergy all my life, all season, in and outdoors. I had several tests done without conclusive result in finding out what I'm allergic to (thus no desensitization was suggested), and my symptoms were mostly nasal: sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat.
After Willow arrived, everything stays almost the same (slightly worse, but not much more), but itchy watery eyes has been a major nuisance. I use allergy pills, nasal spray (prescription), nasal wash, and eye drops, and they help somewhat. But recently, it seems they work less effectively than before, and I have noticed symptoms get better when I'm at work away from Willow. I also noticed that when I goto Petsmart, my eyes get worse.
We bathe Willow every three weeks or so; wipe her feet and back everytime she's been out; wash her feet at least once a week. I stopped letting her in my bed (it was a hard decision!).
Things at the house is more or less allergy friendly - allergy proof sheets, mattress cover, no rug/carpet, maintain cleanliness etc. I am thinking of getting a air purifier for the bedroom.
Is there anything else I can do to alleviate the symptoms? Shall I bathe Willow more often?
I became allergic to my cats temporarily, for about a year. I found a purifier really helped, and not letting them into my bedroom. I cleaned every day.
I too have had allergies all my life and never found out what too despite tests. I changed the products I used - i now use 100% natural laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste etc, even make up. I now dont suffer from allergies, except the occasional bit of hayfever and insect bites
Thank you Kaytlin! I am glad to learn that allergies can go away. I didn't think of detergent, dish soap, etc. I should try and pay attention to every little thing that I use.
Is there anything I should look into when I get a air purifier? I had a one that uses static to zap fine dust (can't explain with technical terms... ), but for some reason, I sneezed even more around it.
look for one that says its a TRUE HEPA. Google it, unfortunately my brain is mush after finishing a school assignment tonight and i can remember the technicalities
I see. I'll google it. Thank you!
We have an electronic air filter that is attached to our furnace. It works very well keeping the dust down, but it is virtually useless if it is not cleaned once a month. I can actually tell when it's time to clean the filter. Perhaps your electronic filter needs to be cleaned?
Our furnace filter has to be replaced every three months too. That reminds me... it's about time. Thanks for the reminder, BruceGirl!
I would think the air purifier would help especially if she's not in your bed anymore. No other advice, sounds like you are doing everything right. Just wanted to say I'm sorry you are allergic and hope you can find a way to work with it with less suffering.
Thank you, Jennifer!
As a life-long allergy sufferer, it's part of everyday life, but not being able to see well half of the day isn't fun. And I don't like it that I sometimes keep myself away from Willow part of the day to alleviate my symptoms. Sigh. Maybe with some luck, my allergic reaction to Willow might go away like Kaytlin's cat allergy did? (crossing fingers!) I'll look into air purifier right away.
We gave Willow a bath today, and she's pearly shining and smelling soooo nice. I don't know how I'd fight off the temptation to snuggle up with Willow in bed when time for bed arrives...
I have no advice, but I am sure it is so hard not to cuddle. I hope you can find something that helps and soon!! Good luck!
Thank you, Laurie. I usually just suck it up and cuddle with Willow and hope for the best (or reach for the eye drops), but I really miss sleeping in the same bed with her.
I would be happy to let you borrow 90 pound Vern....oh wait, darn it, he is a dog too..LOL!! I really do hope it gets better and you can get back to cuddling with Willow. The air purifier might do the trick.
It might help if you keep her coat shorter. I notice that my two bother my allergies more when they have their pretty long coats. It isn't too bad in the winter, but the summer I keep them short which helps to reduce the amount of outdoor allergens that they bring in. You might want to consider bathing her more often and they also sell allergen reducing shampoo and sprays that may help. See if you can get someone else in your house to do the grooming/brushing. I groom my two from start to finish and by the time I am done I am a bit sniffly and itchy. It isn't major so I just deal with it, but if someone else did the brushing you wouldn't be around the breath in all the dander that was being stirred up during the brushing.
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