Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tara is the first dog that I have had that does not follow me when I move about the house. She will just stay in the living area sleeping or chewing her bullystick. I think she keeps track of me with her hearing though because once in a while if I am doing something "different" she will show up to check things out.

This in a way makes me feel unloved by her!  Why doesn't she WANT to be with me every moment and shower me with adoration like my other dogs did in the past? Sometimes I see posts like this in regard to rescue dogs (Goofy in this case!) and I wonder why those dogs love complete strangers more than my own dog loves me:

"He is a total love....Wants to be near us at all times and will sit in your lap if you let him....Puts that big paw on you when he wants attention and wants to be as close to your face as possible when he is being loved on.."

Recently the issue of our doodles touching us and always needing to be near us has been raised in the training group. Now I am beginning to see Tara's behavior in a different light and wonder if what she does is actually a sign of her being "balanced". That it may just be "normal" dog behavior. I'm not sure.

Tara likes to snuggle and sit on my lap but it is almost always at my instigation.  Once in a while she will ask to get up on a chair or the couch with me. So it's not like she is a cold fish or anything. We get our loves in but it is mainly the fact that she doesn't stay with me every moment that has me curious.

What does your doodle do and how do you interpret it?

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In the words of Jack (and The Police) - 

"Every breath you take and every move you make
Every single day, every word you say
I'll be watchin' you"

I'll say that's our theme song   : )

LOL! Janie that is FUNNY! Sounds like you have your own little stalker!!!

I have two doodles. Max follows me everywhere and Izzie does not.  She just does her own thing.  I think Max has a little separation anxiety.  He seems to just want to lean against me a lot whenever he is not eating, sleeping or playing.  They just have different personalities.

It's probably good that Max has a calm sister to set an example for him!  You're right each one is just so different-all wonderful though!

Shelby has always followed me around.  If I get up and move rooms - she gets up and moves.  She can be sound asleep and will get up and relocate with me.  On days when I am cleaning and/or doing laundry - she gets quite a workout.   It's adorable... and doesn't bother me at all!   I'd say Shelby is very balanced.... spends days home on her own - no seperation anxiety.   No need to constantly touch... but when I am home - she wants to be with me.

That's sweet! This is what I would like for Tara to do. Just be with me a LITTLE more! I guess I could tether her to me!!!LOL!

Leave that well-balanced, little angel alone....LOL!

Laurie, maybe I will try the "throw her on the bed and demand a cuddle" approach.  I hear that works pretty well. Plus she is a mini so I can hold her down pretty easily! LOL!

Chewie is a "velcro dog" but only when we're INSIDE the house. Whether I'm cooking, brushing my teeth or blow-drying my hair, he'll always have some bodypart that touches me...either paw or half a butt-check on my foot.
If he's sleeping and I walk to get something in another room, he'll get up and SPRINTS over to check on me.

OUTSIDE is another story, he's more independent and roams around the yard without checking on me. I have to admit, his recall can be improved when he's outside.

Eventhough he's clingy indoors, we have no issues with seperation anxiety. When you leave he'll try to go with you, but if you tell him to stay, he's fine with it too (not a happy doodle, but no barking or property destruction)

Kimmy it sounds like you have the same problem that I do-I'm not quite as interesting as a squirrel! LOL!

I had to laugh this morning, because normally in the early am when we get up to take you-know-who out, when we are done Fudge comes back to bed with us. However, lately she has been going to her dog bed in our room. Well, this morning, I went over and picked her up and put her in our bed and pulled her down to me to cuddle. I did everything, but yell, "You will love me, darn it!!"

LOL Laurie!



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