Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I don't think it's a big secret that I think Callie hung the moon. She's adorable, sweet, loving, and snuggly all the time and good...most of the time. There are a few things that I know are training issues that I never worked all the way through with her, but there are other behaviors that I don't really associate with "training". Leaping and twirling and making it impossible to get her harness/leash on - training. That one is one me. Removing the roll of toilet paper off the spindle in the powder room downstairs and shredding it all over the den...what the heck Callie? You know better.
Part of the problem is CAHOOTING. Callie and her BFF Louie are no longer allowed to have unsupervised play dates. They used to all the time, but then if they were alone together they were naughty. They would shred anything that wasn't nailed down. I have to admit...I kinda blamed Louie (as did Louie's mom) and figured he was the instigator. However - Callie and Luna are also cahooting in bad behavior. I can't pretend Callie isn't instigating here, even though when left alone, she really is good. When Callie is the common denominator in bad behavior though...
Last week, they had the toilet paper party. This week, the cahooters knocked down my stainless, lidded kitchen trash and shredded garbage all over my house (I found string cheese wrappers at the top of the stairs). Luna gets a bit of a "bye" on a recent point in her life, I know she had to forage for food.
Is she bored? And why would she bored with her billions of toys, a mom who now is home much more frequently, and a live in friend who adores her?
(here's a picture of the culprit...she's super furry right now)
Hmmm...if it wasn't for Rosco's newfound love of full diapers, well he'd be pretty close to 'good all the time' =)
Destroying stuff isn't always due to boredom...often it's just plain fun! Then again, what might not seem boring to us, might seem boring to a dog with energy and stuff to do.
ewww...that is one mess that i would not want to clean up! Give me shredded paper any day!
Strangely it's been urine full diapers only...guess he just never got lucky to get more than that!
Bo, my almost 3 year old doodle is good all the time he is sleeping. :-)
My last dog (non-doodle) was much better behaved. (But then he was also much shorter).Pippin is 13 months, so I figure not a puppy, not full grown, but a "tween". He loves dish towels, shoes, laundry (dirty sox and undies are special favorites), throw pillows, novels from the bookshelf ..... Two advantages of a naughty doodle 1. The house has never been so picked up in the almost 19 years we've been married (and 2 teenagers). 2. Pippin has the "drop it" command down cold :) He is so funny running off with his prizes that I just can't stay cross. Hmmm, seem to remember that his breeder called him the class clown. Always looking for a laugh this one.
Your Pippin sounds like my Riley, minus the books he doesn't really like them. Funny thing is that he does no damage at all when he's home alone he only takes things when we are here. 'Leave It' works immediately and he drops whatever is in his mouth also his mouth is very gentle so even when he's running with things he doesn't actually destroy them, or swallow, it's more like he needs to carry stuff.
Your Cahooter is just adorable - lol. Rooney would never destroy anything but I think it is more his personality than his age - he seems content, happy with toys or a bone. Stuart, when he was young has chewed 1 shoe and a throw pillow but lucky for me neither was of value. I rarely leave the boys for long periods without putting them in daycare but if they were home - Stuart would likely get gated into the hallway & laundryroom - my defense against cahooting!!
And here was I thinking that when Riley is fully grown up he won't shred the toilet paper or steal my kitchen sponges any more.. : ) lol Callie is so gorgeous it would be very difficult to get cross with her and I suspect this is exactly why some of our guys still get away with the naughty stuff.
This is too funny... Oliver is 19 months old and he does the toilet paper thing.. he is getting better. But for the most part I have to take it off the holder and put it high on the shelf before I go to bed. But, last night I forgot and I did not wake up to a TP party. Sasha does not get into trouble at all in the house, but I call her the squirm-worm when putting on her collar, and yes that is training on my part. She gets sooooo exicted when she sees me get her collar out that she cannot contain herself. When both are out in the backyard together I do keep an eye on them because they both can get into trouble alone or together. Ollie likes to dig and eat the dirt and Sasha likes to dig as well but she does not eat the dirt. She likes those spiky balls (we called them itchy balls when we were kids) and like to chew them then she gets the poops. Ya this should would have learned by now !!! Before I let her out I scan the yard for them, if there some around I go an pick them up first then let her out. The things we do for our doodles.... they are the best and I would not have it any other way :)
I would have to say that aside from a few of those training issues that you mention, Lucy and Sophie are well behaved. They went through a little phase of toilet paper and counter surfing when they were puppies, but have since outgrown that (that or we got better about keeping the counters clean). I can leave them home alone, but normally keep them in their room if we leave. There is a lot of paper in there that they could get into because our desks are in that room, but they don't bother anything, they just sleep. They haven't shredded anything since they were probably about 8 months old and even then it was only a couple little things. The times I have left them out with a run of the whole house they haven't bothered anything. I have always been very happy that they were not chewers. Now those few training issues, that's another story, but we are working on those as well.
My Huffington is usually good but he loves being bad shreding things, trash digging, shoe/sock sealing, not wanting to eat dinner....
Haley is good most of the time. He has his weakness for gardening and pulls up broccoli and other cole plants and shreds them. He also picks his own veggies out of the garden. At least he has quit digging huge holes in the garden.
Callie is gorgeous! Is she sticking he tongue out at you?
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