Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Some of you know that a little more than 6 months ago someone dropped off a dog at our shop and never came back. Well I asked one of my friends if they had any pictures of him and I just wanted to share them.

I miss lil' Charlie sooooooooooooooooooooo much. I wish we could have kept him. He was so sweet and good. :(

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I remember the Charlie story!!  but don't recall what you ended up doing with him.  He is such a cutie pie :)

My dad gave him away to a lady who works for the optometrist next door to our shop. I was fine with it after a while because I thought we would see him every so often, but I haven't seen him since he was left with us. I feel really bad we coulden't keep him. I really miss him. By what his little boy says he sounds like he would have been perfect for us. :(

He looks like a real sweetheart.  I can see why you miss him.

He is a cutie.  I know you miss him, but what counts the most is that he's happy in his new home. 

Charlie is a beautiful dog.  I will bet he is making his new family very happy.  You must feel good that you had a big part in that! 

p.s. I haven't seen you around the forum much Bryce.  How are you and Taylor and sweet Huff doing these days??

Ya I haven't been around much Taylor is fine, Huff is good too. 

Yes! Glad he found a good home! He's sweet!

I know you miss him but it seems like he ended up being well cared for and in a good home.

Thanks for posting, Bryce.  Charlie was just darling.  Why don't you walk next door and ask the lady how Charlie is doing?  Perhaps she will have a picture to share with you.  I hope so.

I am not at the shop much nowadays. I try to go talk to her but she is either busy or we have to leave soon. I just wish I could see him. 

He is just a cutie. I'm sure you would love to have kept him, but I like to think that he is with the family he was meant to be with. Glad you got some pictures.

Looking at those pictures now, he looks like a purebred Bichon Frise - the superthick white coat of ringlets gives him away.  He also has the "stockier" build that points away from poodle too (Bichons are descended from spaniels).  I can't remember what conclusion we came to when you first found him (maltese mix?).  Anyway, here's a pic of a Bichon in a similar cut

Whatever he is, he's adorable. :)  I would definitely try to go see him - sounds like it would be a happy reunion!



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