Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

All this talk about the Puppy Bowl and our doods watching....I love all the posts and pictures. But I was wondering...Daisy Never Notices TV no matter what is on, does everyone's doodle actually watch, should I be worried?

Maybe she prefers reading? LOL

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We've talked about this before : ) Calla could see an apocalypse on TV. and never give it a glance. Luca can watch intently for a while and heaven forbid there is any animal or certain animated figures etc. I even bought headphones recently so he can sleep through any barks, howls, or the like. It's worked wonders.

Only one of my dogs ever appeared to be watching TV, and that was my miniature poodle. Jackdoodle doesn't seem to notice the TV at all, regardless of what's playing.

Karen and F, that makes me feel better, she is in good company!


Do dogs actually "see" the TV?


I had read somewhere that do to the scan rate of TVs they can not see the images.  The article was old so it may only be applicable to the old CRT TVs.  Any info?

The scientific evidence from a large sample of one doodle is in. I have had this discussion with my son who claims dogs can't see in 2D etc. Luca can recognize animals on TV, whether they are moving, still, making noise or not. And he, who is a pacifist in real life, is a rabid animal hater of all TV animals and some other things too. If I don't either grab him or talk him down he will charge the TV like a crazy doodle.


I should have looked this up again before I posted.  I was correct that due to the scan rate they can not see the old TVs images but on the newer technology TVs they do see the images.


I also found this article interesting - it explains why a dog will bark at an image of a dog but not a cartoon image.



He probably does it during Numbers...LOL! Tell Luca I feel the same way!

Lol, well a half-hearted grin. There's a dog, a lab I think at the beginning of Downton Abbey I have to make sure he misses. And there were so many dogs in super bowl ads!! OMD. But luckily he slept through them thanks to the headphones. Quite a sight I tell you.

What we have to do to live with dogs.   And the thing is, we don't mind a bit.

I see you out there watching TV with your new and fancy headphones.  HA!

P.S. the new Volkswagon Commercials are really making me shake with fear as I watch TV late at night.  The commercial with nothing but dogs barking for a solid 60 secs.

Oh man, Joanne, I hear ya (no pun intended). I couldn't watch those commercials! (Someone sent me a link from Youtube.) All those dogs barking - I had to get away from that NOW!

Soooooo glad that Lachlan's not a barker. Declan's more "verbal" than Lach, but starting to calm that down finally as he seems to realize that his needs will be met.

Spud has jumped at the TV but not as much as some dogs I've heard about

I almost asked you if Luca was watching Downton Abbey.....LOL!!  We had to turn off a movie about Dog Shows (can't remember the name) because Vern would not stop barking and growling!! You should film Luca!



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