Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know this has been asked before, but can we do an update on how old everyone's doodles are? Does anyone know how old they get to be and what the most common health issues are with their aging?

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Daisy is 2 years 3 far so good, she seems to be pretty healthy.

The DRC said Bo ( formerly Stanley)  was about 18mo. when I got him. The vet and I decided on a March 1 birthday for Bo.  That makes him about 3 yrs old next month.

Huff is 2 and I think 7 months. He is ok but he does and pretty much always will have a sensitive stomach.

Sasha is 2 1/4 years and Oliver is 19 months... they are both young and Oliver still acts like a puppy... he did not mentally mature yet - his body did but not the mind - LOL

Bodi is 5.  No major health issues, although he does have a sensitive tummy.  After reading the comments, I'm very glad that he is little.  I'm not sure he qualifies as a "mini" but he is around 25 pounds, so certainly not big.  I don't want to think about the end. . . .

Casey will be 2 in the middle of June.

Phoebe turned three on January 3rd.

Luna is 1.5 years old, turning 2 in August.

She's started to settle down (not as hyper and wanting to play 24/7), but is still up for play time anytime!

She's been healthy apart from some minor things (skin infection from the dog park, pink eye that she got from a neighbor)

I met a 9-year-old doodle at the dog park a few weeks ago--he acted just like a puppy. Some of the other dogs couldn't keep up with him!

My inlaws have a 10-year standard goldendoodle. She was from a backyard breeder (and was still super expensive) - she has had hip dysplasia since she was 2 years old :(


Peri will be 3 in April, is very healthy thus far, and is starting to "slow down"....that means a long walk usually results in napping for quite a while - that used to not be the case!


Allyson, how is your in-laws doodle who is now about 11? That is still the oldest doodle that I know of.

Gavin is 2.5 years old.  He has no chronic health issues KOW.



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