Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


I emailed the vet so they had my complaint in writing, they called me tuesday. They said they understood my concerns but that Cooper was not over vaccinated and there will be no side effects. The receptionist said she assumed I was aware it would be the multi vaccine as they dont carry the single lepto as their clients have the lepto with the rest of their puppy shots. She said they cant order in lepto only as it comes in flats of 12, and they would only use 1. I told them that in the future they need to let their clients know this so they can make an informed decision. I told her that I would have gone to another vet who did have the lepto only, such as the vet right next door to them.  

They did say they would give Cooper her booster shot (lepto only) at no cost.

Im torn - I did really like the vet, but this has really put me off. 

Previous post

Cooper went to the vet for her lepto shot today. It was a new vet as we recently moved. I am particular when it comes to vets, but I liked this one. He didnt pretend to know about food and push the prescrition food. Infact he didnt ask what we feed at all. I liked that, as I have previously been told I was killing my dog and cats by feeding raw and that Cooper would grow deformed. He gave her a really good check up, and I asked about her drippy nose (as long as its clear its ok) and the black spot on her nose (its just pigmentation). He cleaned her ears at no extra cost. They get dirty really quick and I was concerned she had an infection but shes ok.

Cooper never had a lepto shot before. But is up to date on all her other vaccines. The vet took the dates she last had them. After we paid and got Cooper in the car etc, I noticed the receipt we got said DA2PP/Lepto. Does that mean she had the DA2PP shot too? (It was one shot but maybe it was combined). She had that in September so Im concerned she was over vaccinated. She has since had diarrhea (she also went to DHs work, a pet store) and got spoiled with treats) and is sleeping now. But did have a play with the inlaws dog, so seems to be feeling fine.

the lepto shot is the 2 stage one - she needs a booster in 4 weeks

I called and confirmed she did have the multi vaccine. i told them I wasnt happy.

DA2PP, also known as DHPP, is a multivalent vaccine for dogs that protects against canine distemperadenovirus type 2parainfluenzacanine parvovirus, and canine coronavirus.

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It sounds like they addressed your concerns and took you seriously, Personally, I would give them another chance. I am glad everything is ok with Cooper.

It would put me off, too. All of their clients can't be puppies, they must treat adult dogs too. So the explanation about getting the lepto with the puppy shots makes no sense to me. There are a lot of us who do vaccines separately. There must be other people who just want the lepto vaccine and whose dogs are not due for the rest of the vaccines. In fact, many of us do a three year DHPP, and would need the lepto yearly, so how would that work? And I still don't understand how they can do two shots a month apart and include the DHPP all over again. My vet gives just the lepto vaccine in two shots a month apart and has offered this for several years. We do everything separately; 3 year rabies given a different year from the 3 year DHP, bordatella and flu vaccines given intranasally at a different time than any other shots, etc. This really doesn't cost any more, because if the dog has had a yearly exam and only needs a vaccine, he doesn't even have to see the vet; the tech can give it and you only pay for the vaccine itself, not for a visit. The only exception, at least in IL, is the rabies shot, which must be given by a vet because there is paperwork that must be signed by the vet and filed with the county.

JD was due for his 3 year rabies shot a month ago, and his vet did not want him to have it because we are still trying to get his IBD in remission. He saw his IMS on Monday, and she still doesn't want him to have it. She said under no circumstances was he to have any vaccines while he is struggling with this immune-mediated disease. I don't think they really know how these frequent vaccines affect a dog's immune system long-term, but clearly there is an issue with vaccines and immune-related diseases.

 Hopefully, Cooper will not suffer any ill effects. I think it's great that they are trying to make amends by not charging you for the follow up lepto vaccine, but if this is going to be an ongoing problem, I would look elsewhere.

Karen I am just wondering why you don't do titer testing for the ones that you can? I know you can't for rabies but what made you switch to the three yearM DHPP? Jack is due again in a couple of months, last year we titter tested him...this year I think I am going to do the same but was curious about the three year shot!

I had been doing titers, and in 2011 it had been 3 years since he had a DHP shot, and three years seems reasonable to me. He got the 3 year DHP, so by the time he's due again, he will have had one DHP shot in a 6 year period. That also seems reasonable to me.

That makes sense to me ... I think I will do one more year of titers and then get the three year!

Karen, I had another question for you, I hope you don't mind... I know JD is on steroids. For me, I don't know if it is different for dogs but for me being on 40 mgs of Prednisone, will cause my body not to make any antibodies against vaccines. Is JD on a high dose of Prednsione/steroids?

We found this out when I was in nursing school I had to get a ton of shots, shots I already had but never made any titers for, finally when I was sent to an Infectious disease doctor I was told they can give me the shot till I am blue in the face, I won't make antibodies because my immune is suppressed enough at 40 mgs, Granted I am on 120 a day but I was just wondering if the same applies for JD?

Same thing with testing me for things I was allergic too, I would not mount a response even to thinks I was known to be allergic to just because of the steroids.

I think the fact that he's on prednisone is a factor, although it's a very low dose for a dog his size. He's only on 10 mg./day.

He had to be off all drugs and supplements, even just fatty acids, for his allergy testing, which is why we did it in January.

Thankfully you have really good doctors for JD!
I wonder if 10 gives him the munches ....I don't get them till a little higher of a dose but I am a lot. Bigger then JD ....on a high dose I can eat some serious food

He's ravenous all the time. :(

As I eat my second ice cream sandwhich, and my second bowl of cereal as my after dinner snacks, I can say I feel his hunger....

I was just looking at our schedule and the dogs are due for an annual exam in March, lepto and bordatella in May and Lyme in November. Luca also get his 3 year rabies in July. I will wait til May for the annual with the shots as long as nothing is going on. I don't think combining lepto and bordatella should be a problem, we've done more than these at once in the past. The vet is at least a half hour drive for us but I would do it more often if I though it was necessary.



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